Marijuana grow Problems NEED HELP!

yoo, plants r about 5 weeks old 7 plants under 400w mh in coco, using hesi coco fertz got a few fans going. All of my plants have their bottom young leaves turning yellow and drying up, the smallest of my plants has both the bottom and the second bottom yellow and now they have begun to turn brown at the tips. Yellow leaves r very dry and crumple. The brown leaves r curling up Can anyone help. Posted pics of the smallest plant which is the worst off right now but all have the baby leaves at the bottom yellowIMG_0701.jpg, IMG_0702.jpg

Snow Crash

Well-Known Member
Really? You took the time to take those blurry ass pictures. Thanks for getting the planter and the coco back ground in focus...

I can hardly believe those little things are 5 weeks old. They look more like 15 days old... and bad for that.

You probably have your light too far away. Maybe you're over watering a weak root system. Can you provide more info about watering/feeding frequency, heat and humidity, and any pH info you have.

Medi 1

Well-Known Member
all i can see is the red led light,. you say thats a 400..ya i wont slam the pic quality but those look a couple weeks old.

ph for food and water? what dose?
Ye most of the plants r three times the size for some reason those r small and thats the best pic i could get i apologize im using hesi coco fertz as they are directed, ive heard that they suggest the max so i might be over feeding. watering when its dry about 1 and a half inch into soil. humidity is35 in the house, got a dehumidifier no humidifier, heat stays around 24 and my ph is always neutral if not very close

Medi 1

Well-Known Member
ok humidity is low, want to be about 55% for veg, and ph is way out. ph for coco is about 5.7 or so. no mediums we use 7ph or neutral, so this is why its not getting the foods.

Medi 1

Well-Known Member
probably all the same thing. anything that shows deff on the new growth at the tops is the current health. need pics to be more clear of what it is,. it may be a pathogen also from being deff in foods,.like rust....better pics?
so pics r blurry was the best i could do tried multiple times as you can see the first pic is the yellowing and wilting of the bottom young leaves, that is occuring on every plant, second is brown spots only occuring on one of themIMG00015-20101128-1126.jpgIMG00016-20101128-1127.jpg

A friend told me could be a light problem for the yellowing that the lioghts arent reachign the bottom to move them closer, they are at around 3 feet right now

Also purple stems from the first leaves up. i understand some strains that is normal, im using regular ICE seeds

Medi 1

Well-Known Member
move the camera back, you can see the medium clear as its a bit further away, so move back and the plant iwll come into focus. i cant tell anything there.
and ya a 400 is only good for about 18 inches of good light. 3 foot is way to far away. it is getting light but not that much. the purp you have isnt norml....hard n woody to???

and why do i see a red ish colour on the surface of soil form a that a led light???, i thought this was a 400 mh

Medi 1

Well-Known Member
sorry mag,...your still way to close. no need to be close, i can zoom the pic in myself here. and ya its going to slow and stop if this isnt fixed. its not eating obviously. how do you have both the led and mh above it. isnt one blocking the other? side by side or what. with a 400 mh and then the led being so week it isnt even seeing or picking up the led lighting. waste of time using it in my opinion.

Medi 1

Well-Known Member
well best its gonn aget then id have tio guess it may look like the rust as i thought. this does happen once our plants get deff. others think tis a cal deff but usaly isnt. yes cal may fix it as well. as that reapirs cell walls and thats what happens when they get sick or deff. cells begin to break down. but the real issues is a pathogen called rust. can treat with safers product. if i remeber right is called deffender

Medi 1

Well-Known Member
k dont worry. just get the right ph and feed them. they`ll be fine. i hope you are using cal mag for being in coco. feed and water at about 5.7 to 6.1. pick 1 inbetween there and stick to that