Marijuana "fumes" harmful to my children?


So, if there is anyone out there with a good link to a study that proves that naturally occurring fragrance of growing plants is not harmful or intoxicating? I got a visit, compliments of a disgruntled neighbor that I wouldn't illegally sell to, from Children's services and the police. They all showed up and tried to bulldog their way into the grow which is a detached locked facility on my property, but I stuck to my guns and told them they needed a warrant. Short story they couldn't get one, but they had fears that we weren't following policy and that the smell from trimming plants, the "fumes" were hurting the kids. They made us leave for the night while the house "aired out" and didn't let me and children home until they stopped by and sniffed around again. That happened today so I'm allowed home now, but I'm still getting ANOTHER visit this week so they check to see if they need to open a case.
The language of law specifically states:" A person shall not be denied custody or visitation of a minor for acting in accordance with this act, unless the person's behavior is such that it creates an unreasonable danger to the minor that can be clearly articulated and substantiated."
I just want to prepared when they come again and nip this nonsense in the proverbial bud.
Any help or advice? TIA


Well-Known Member
So, if there is anyone out there with a good link to a study that proves that naturally occurring fragrance of growing plants is not harmful or intoxicating? I got a visit, compliments of a disgruntled neighbor that I wouldn't illegally sell to, from Children's services and the police. They all showed up and tried to bulldog their way into the grow which is a detached locked facility on my property, but I stuck to my guns and told them they needed a warrant. Short story they couldn't get one, but they had fears that we weren't following policy and that the smell from trimming plants, the "fumes" were hurting the kids. They made us leave for the night while the house "aired out" and didn't let me and children home until they stopped by and sniffed around again. That happened today so I'm allowed home now, but I'm still getting ANOTHER visit this week so they check to see if they need to open a case.
The language of law specifically states:" A person shall not be denied custody or visitation of a minor for acting in accordance with this act, unless the person's behavior is such that it creates an unreasonable danger to the minor that can be clearly articulated and substantiated."
I just want to prepared when they come again and nip this nonsense in the proverbial bud.
Any help or advice? TIA
If the "fumes" got you high, I'd have a bed/couch combo in my grow room ;)

The pigs are fucking with you, if it's legal and they're not federal tell them to go bye bye.


Well-Known Member
yeah i would of stayed and grabbed me a lawyer... you should of said they cant see the grow because if you open the door the fumes might get the neighborhood high


Ursus marijanus
It's complete and arrant tripe but served very cleverly. They've saddled you with the thorny logic problem of proving a negative. cn

jessy koons

New Member
So, if there is anyone out there with a good link to a study that proves that naturally occurring fragrance of growing plants is not harmful or intoxicating? I got a visit, compliments of a disgruntled neighbor that I wouldn't illegally sell to, from Children's services and the police. They all showed up and tried to bulldog their way into the grow which is a detached locked facility on my property, but I stuck to my guns and told them they needed a warrant. Short story they couldn't get one, but they had fears that we weren't following policy and that the smell from trimming plants, the "fumes" were hurting the kids. They made us leave for the night while the house "aired out" and didn't let me and children home until they stopped by and sniffed around again. That happened today so I'm allowed home now, but I'm still getting ANOTHER visit this week so they check to see if they need to open a case.
The language of law specifically states:" A person shall not be denied custody or visitation of a minor for acting in accordance with this act, unless the person's behavior is such that it creates an unreasonable danger to the minor that can be clearly articulated and substantiated."
I just want to prepared when they come again and nip this nonsense in the proverbial bud.
Any help or advice? TIA
The smell is caused by terpenes, There was another thread earlier today that was asking about terpenes so I suggested that they investigate this site Site search for terpenes to find an article on this subject. I don't know if this will give you any worthwhile ammo. Good luck with this.

ink the world

Well-Known Member
Exactly why I have an attorney on retainer. My man woulda chewed those idiots up in a heartbeat.

Be smart, protect your family from future harrassment and get a good lawyer that specializes in MMJ


Well-Known Member
unless they are getting high on oxygen i dont know what a marajuana plant releases that would be harmfull to the children. someones just jellous of your grow. did they make you leave or did they sugesst you leave?
good luck
much love


Well-Known Member
In this document, page 8, there is a Cannabis Terpenoid Activity Table which shows commonly encountered terpenoids. These terpenoids actually have tons of beneficial effects, read through the pages this can definitely help you. Unless LEMON, PINE, HOPS, LAVENDER, PEPPER, LEMON BALM, ORANGE, OR GREEN TEA are bad too for the children to be around, you can tell those idiots what they need to know.