Marijuana Documentary


Well-Known Member
Finished watching it, what did you guy think. It was ok, kind of short felt bad about that one guy who lost his whole crop though.


Well-Known Member
Haven't heard of it, will check it out now and report back!

Edit: 10 minutes in and I already love it... looking forward to my own Hazy Acres ;)

Edit after watching: Great documentary, the Mexican guy that stole the product, more than likely an illegal by the things he was saying. Shame on "Blue" for hiring the guy when he could've given his trust and a good job to an American.


Well-Known Member
I cant seem to get anyone else to comment but I was a good movie that introduces you into the lives of 3 guerrilla farmers


Active Member
Amazing documentary. More people should check this out, I found it very enjoyable. REALLY felt terrible for yellow. That dude seemed like the most down to earth guy out of everyone, and it obviously really tore him up inside.