marijuana cupcake or something


Well-Known Member
could I make a small amount of cannabutter with maybe a gram or dub and use it on bread or make it in a cupcake or something? would it be be strong at all?


Well-Known Member
Here is a tea recipie I saw that interested me. Still havent tried it though(dont have $$$ for dankies right now)

1) Crush up 1 - 2 grams of nice kind-bud (depending on the quality and how fucked you want to get) as fine as you can get it and put it in a teabag (you can unstaple any teabag, replace with ganja, and re-staple or paperclip). You can omit the teabag if you have something to strain your tea through when it is done like a gold coffee filter or cheesecloth.

2) Put 1 cup of water in a medium saucepan or tea kettle and heat over high until boiling.

3) Reduce to a low boil and add your ganja teabag (or loose ganja) with **1 teaspoon of butter** (you will not get any effect without this ingredient. NO MARGARINE it makes the tea taste like shite.). Stir until dissolved.

4) Cover and let simmer for 1 hour.

5) Stir in one cup of whole milk, along with cinnamon, sugar and allspice to taste. You can also add an herbal teabag like African redbush or licorice, if desired). Bring back to boil and simmer for 15 minutes.

6)Add 1/2 teaspoon of vanilla extract and bring to a rolling boil, stirring constantly. Boil for 30 seconds and transfer to large mug (through filter if not using teabag). Sprinkle with nutmeg.


Well-Known Member
Jus smoke that shit..wen u get a hold of an ounce then u can make some cannabutter..


Well-Known Member
i know a gram per brownie should be good but i dont know about losing any in the process