marijuana bust, saw the same pics on this site!!!


Well-Known Member
how did he get caught
im not sure
but i saw that picture, and right after i posted that link up on the fourms for people to see and tell me what they think

because i know for a fact i saw that picture on this site
i was like omg thats such a good idea
haha guess it wasnt that good


Well-Known Member
I can tell you with almost 100% certainty that he got caught because he or the renter told the wrong people not because he posted on this site.


Well-Known Member
im not sure
but i saw that picture, and right after i posted that link up on the fourms for people to see and tell me what they think

because i know for a fact i saw that picture on this site
i was like omg thats such a good idea
haha guess it wasnt that good
The police/news media used one of HIS photos?


Active Member
someone snitching is a likely cause of his getting fucked in the ass, but i imagine he was using one hell of alot of electricity, so the electricity company could of noticed that, or he could of been stealing the electricity off the grid, but the elctric company would still notice it because the meters wouldnt add up, which would deffinitely lead to an investigation if enough power was going missing


Well-Known Member
MY god lol. It wasn't anyone on this site. Someone on this site posted the news story, where you saw the pics.


Well-Known Member
You shouldnt be growing that much pot anyway. 400+ plants obviously isnt for personal consumption but shows intent of selling for profit, and thats def against the law. If you are growing to sell pot, get a real fuckin job like the rest of us.

If he was growing 8 plants or so and got caught, I would have been on his side.
People who grow for personal consumption should be left alone.


Well-Known Member
so....i think the government might know about this site....and seeing that someone they busted used this site isn't going to bring the cops down on anyone. People get caught because they told the wrong person or didnt take care to protect themselves. The cops and shit know about this site its not like its a secret...i mean you type growing pot into google and what comes up....rollitup.


Well-Known Member
lol ya type covert newb into google and I am busted big time! Not overly covert being broadcast around the world :D


Well-Known Member
dfyant: you dont know what the hell your talking about. double standerds dont work at all what so ever. He was probably growing pot and selling it. duh. way to figure that out. But im sure the people that were buying were not forced, and im almost positive they enjoyed the weed. If growers didnt grow weed for commercial use then 90 percent of the m.j smoking community would have to buy imported mexi-cartel weed.
you seriously need to take your foot out of your mouth, you might be on the wrong site bro


Well-Known Member
Doesn't california have laws that let peeps grow weed? Funny how the feds do whatever the fuck they want. Hell, they even go into other countries and arrest people.


Well-Known Member
That pic is way old I seen it on a news site along time ago way before I got on this site....There is another one of a Victorian house that has a similar set-up...Ive seen both of them along time ago then I saw them more recently on here....

ricky ronatello

Well-Known Member
excluding medical marijuana patients, i wonder how people get the nerve to grow mass amounts like 100+ plants. These big ops really interest me. Probably because i dont have mass amounts of bud. But how do you do it? grow, 400+? constantly cloning plants?? Can you clone a plant after it has budded?? how does cloning work..alot of experience with people like this