Marijuana and Martial arts?


Well-Known Member
Hey guys, what do you think, lets say 2 guys start a martial art... or maybe boxing... 1 guy smokes weed the other guy doesn't...

Both of almost equal body phenotypes... and both in shape...

Who will at the end of the day train better, with better results?

some say weed enhances things..

Others say it will make you slow, and tired faster..


Well-Known Member
this is kind of a stupid question.

obviously the guy who is sober is gonna kick the stoners ass. can u imagine urself baked and trying to fight? would u be assed? and if u was ud probably feel like u have no strength.

id say the sober guy, hands down.


Well-Known Member
definitly sober guy
however if ur talking about the guy fights sober he just smokes on his off time
then id say as long as he doesnt smoke alot of j's and blunts he just smokes bowls and bongs and vapes and hookas and shit like that it would prolly be about even


Well-Known Member
Yes i dont mean DURING A FIGHT... who the fuck would wanna do that!?

I mean lets say he goes home and starts to smoke... then wakes up SOBER and goes training.

WHo would TRAIN/ADVANCE BETTER is my question.


Well-Known Member
probably the stoner acctually if u think about it
because he goes home and relaxes his body
it helps him sleep deeper and there for wake more refreshed
but like i said as long as he doesnt smoke j's and blunts seening as the smoke from those is much more harmful


Well-Known Member
depends on the state of the mind..... I can kick a 200 pound big ass ....

But a 120 pound kid could kick my ass... u know.. depends

I would say


Active Member
well depends on how much he smokes and if he is a lazy stoner or if he likes to get out and do stuff kinda stoner

if he smokes and it gets him motivated to train then i belive he will train better

but if he is a lazy stoner he wont train as well cuase he will not want to becuase he is stoned

well thats just what i think


Well-Known Member
Hmmm, good points. For example, since were talking about enhancment.. lets say he/she is a "non-lazy stoner" And smokes a bowl a day ( to keep it fair)


Well-Known Member
well depends on how much he smokes and if he is a lazy stoner or if he likes to get out and do stuff kinda stoner

if he smokes and it gets him motivated to train then i belive he will train better

but if he is a lazy stoner he wont train as well cuase he will not want to becuase he is stoned

well thats just what i think
however that only takes an effect if he smokes before he is supposed to train
if he is a lazy type stoner then just dont smoke before u need to train and smoke after

but good point how much u smoke also takes an effect


Active Member
well depends on how much he smokes and if he is a lazy stoner or if he likes to get out and do stuff kinda stoner

if he smokes and it gets him motivated to train then i belive he will train better

but if he is a lazy stoner he wont train as well cuase he will not want to becuase he is stoned

well thats just what i think
great response just what i would have said.
i have trained and worked out while high many times but weed energizes me makes me more focused motivated on end result
not everybody can do that most friends think im crazy to do that


Well-Known Member
Just something from irl.. the guy I spar with and such (on his way to being a pro boxer I just happen to share his weight) is the biggest pothead I know..

He always fights sober but he says he does parts of his training stoned to help make it easier to do, and such..

he smokes quite a few bowls a day and still does a 5km roadwork with no problem (3 miles)


Well-Known Member
wow dude fuk all that when im high i chill i hate doing physicall activity high i just dont get near as high


Well-Known Member
thanks for the replys guys... this is a situation going on at the gym... a few there are saying its a great idea to smoke after training, but some are saying its bad regardless.... Just wanted to get input from you guys :) one guy even said "im sure almost 80% of all pro boxers smoke weed during/after training and after fights..."



Well-Known Member
For me, I can take the pain easier if I have smoked in the day of training, but say, if I'm grappling, then I don't see as many of the openings as I should, and end up being submitted a few times, or the round ending before I get a sub off...
Same with boxing, I can take more punches without feeling them, but my offense suffers...
I'm a beast when I don't smoke though :D
But smoking AFTER training, is a must, and with the added endorphins from working your ass of, it feels fanfuckingtastic...


Active Member
One of the main points of cannabis is that it makes you less aggressive.... more just because you can't be assed to fight with anyone, so thats a dumb question.... of course the sober guy is gonna train better... the other dude will get baked, get the munchies and probably play video game boxing instead. :D


Active Member
thanks for the replys guys... this is a situation going on at the gym... a few there are saying its a great idea to smoke after training, but some are saying its bad regardless.... Just wanted to get input from you guys :) one guy even said "im sure almost 80% of all pro boxers smoke weed during/after training and after fights..."

doubtful as a pro boxer has to undergo drug tests. :peace:


Active Member
From what my friend told me is they just get a fine for testing positive for pot, thats it.. They are more worried about steroids.
well i haven't heard much in ways of news reports about pro boxers being potheads, and thats not something that most sport officials would look kindly on.... would that mean it's ok for an olympic athlete to test positive for coke or speed?