Marijuana And It's Effect On The Prostate/Sexual Organs

I'm glad to hear that you're feeling better. If you don't mind I would like to give my opinion on why I think your symptoms are improving.

There is probably nothing wrong with your prostate. There is a big disagreement between doctors as to what causes chronic prostatitis. Some think that it is a prostate problem while others think that it is a muscular problem. I've been to many different doctors who have told me both, but I've learned that it's definitely a muscular problem. Have you ever had a prostate exam? Did they say it felt boggy or infected?

When you masturbate and have an orgasm you are putting your pelvic floor muscles to work very hard. When you orgasm you flex those muscles tightly over and over. You probably stressed out your levator ani muscle very hard and it gave you transferred prostate pain.

Now that you've quit masturbating those muscles have had time to relax so blood flow has improved and you feel better. I doubt you will have any problems thinking about sex or edging as long as you don't stress your pelvic floor. Prostate congestion is relieved overnight through nocturnal emissions.

Very true. I could see how your pelvic floor becomes stressed from constantly working those muscles down there every time you have an orgasm. Imagine jerking off over and over again. Obviously it can't be good for you even though it feels great. Cutting down on masturbating and smoking definitely helps me. Moderation is key.
Very true. I could see how your pelvic floor becomes stressed from constantly working those muscles down there every time you have an orgasm. Imagine jerking off over and over again. Obviously it can't be good for you even though it feels great. Cutting down on masturbating and smoking definitely helps me. Moderation is key.
I've actually come to the conclusion that it's the heavy coughing for me since I tend to only be satisfied with lung busting hits that make me cough my ass off all day long thereby aggravating my pelvic floor muscles which is causing frequent urination. Moderation and smaller hits is key. No reason to keep smoking like a teenage boy your whole life because it's obvious it's damaging to do so.

Cause I've smoke cannabis for over half my life, and all I can really attribute is positive. Perhaps your right, and it causes some effects, but I highly doubt it.

Really, most of the bullshit claims would be resolved if it were truly legalized and studied. No more crap about how it's dangerous so we can't even study it bullshit. Come on. Show me something that really proves it's worse than, say caffeine.
you guys are gunna sit here and disclaim his thesis when in fact studies have shown that THC can induce pain and inflamation caused by epididymitis. there is no propoganda about it. ive had this problem ever since i was first diagnosed. me no smoke = me no feel pain. me smoke = Severe pain and inflamation + an anxiety attack with it. this post is from 2011 so its a bit irrelavent now. but seeing isnt always believing my friend.
I didnt post this to cause controversy or doubt, i posted this in the interest of others who might have had the same problem that i encountered. This isnt a debate.

... Read a book called
"Biology of Marijuana: from gene to behaviour"
by a man called Emmanuel S. Onaivi (Phd)

There is a specific chapter dealing with Marijuana and Prostaglandins.

I rest my case.
I've had terrible prostate problems in the past 2 years (age 65).
Got to say smoking cannabis has helped me a lot.