marijauna seedling problem!!! MOLD AND BROWN TIPS CURLING


Active Member
i think i i found mold on top of the soil and brown tipped leaves ive stopped watering replanted in new soil and let it dry out for a day i just watered it like 5 hours ago its about 2 weeks old just sprouted above soil about 2-3 days ago and now it looks like its gna die should i just water less and see what happens or shuld i give it a little sugar water or wuld that stress a seedling to much i wanna save this pup! also when i transfered it there was no roots just a stick is this bad for a 2 week old??should it have roots? i am also spraying a little vinigar water tops of soil every week now so i can prevent mold again.?!!!what should i do?


Active Member
First off, I cant tell how old your seedlings are, 2 weeks or 2-3 days.

If they're 2-3 days old then your definitely overwatering. Seedlings dont need to be watered for the first few days.

As for the sugar water, I would say hell no. Plant do not absorb carbohydrates, they make them. Sugar water would just feed the microbial population in your soil.

Are you checking your pH? I would only add vinegar if your pH is too high. But honestly i would just pH my water.


Active Member
Are you sure its mold? is it white? If your using nutes it can just be salt buildup. I had the same problem. Gotta cut back on the nutes, dont cut them off completely, just go with 50%.

Sugar/molases (I use sugar to, im not sure it it works, i have not used molasses yet, but its a bacteria in the soil thing, so it doesnt directly go to the plant anyway, but thats a post for another thread) is for flowering, not for veg, so stop the sugar.


Active Member
the only time i use molasses is during flowering to make the buds swell some more and make them super tacky etc. never used it during veg. i wouldnt use vinegear on any of my plants, it would kill them if you dont mix it right, plus when you spray you always wind up doing overspray cause of spraying. if it is mold, there was no need to replant, if it was only on the soil, mix it around, i have done a few times with mine and had no problems, just back off on the water and let the soil dry some more. but without any pics, its hard for any of us to give really good advice. your plants are going to go through shock now with the transplant, just my 2 cents.


Active Member
First off, I cant tell how old your seedlings are, 2 weeks or 2-3 days.

If they're 2-3 days old then your definitely overwatering. Seedlings dont need to be watered for the first few days.

As for the sugar water, I would say hell no. Plant do not absorb carbohydrates, they make them. Sugar water would just feed the microbial population in your soil.

Are you checking your pH? I would only add vinegar if your pH is too high. But honestly i would just pH my water.
i cant rly check my ph im a new grower and dont have any specail items for that ive been useing clean bottled water btw there 2 weeks just sprouted above the soil im geussing theyve been growing slowly i have not used any sugar but i did use some vinnigar water i made sure it didnt touch the plant and ive been giveing it a little water everyday just a little bit should i just continue with a little water?


Active Member
Are you sure its mold? is it white? If your using nutes it can just be salt buildup. I had the same problem. Gotta cut back on the nutes, dont cut them off completely, just go with 50%.

Sugar/molases (I use sugar to, im not sure it it works, i have not used molasses yet, but its a bacteria in the soil thing, so it doesnt directly go to the plant anyway, but thats a post for another thread) is for flowering, not for veg, so stop the sugar.
not useing nutes new growe just useing miracle grow and the mold was green some white some blue fuzzy looking stuff looked like mold to me never put sugar on it yet so should i just cut back on watering and wait?


Active Member
Put a drop of dawn dish soap into your water when you water it. Kills bacteria and helps the dispersion of water in the dirt.


Well-Known Member
molasses just boost the soil (microbes), logically you should use it at the start of veg, starting out small.

also if you are using chemical ferts, its useless. as chemical ferts kill the microbes.


Active Member
you said it had no roots when you transfered it, if the plant was in a smaller pot you take out the whole of the soil and put it into the new pot surrounding the old soil with fresh. at this stage the plants are very sensitive and do not need lots of water, i only give mine a spray every few days and they come on well for it. you want the roots to search for the water to help build up a strong root system. also more water equals damp and cold which only makes matters worse. the growth is stunted so to try and save the plant no more nutes and make sure the pots have good drainage to get rid of the excess water. also put them on flat cardboard to keep the temps up a bit.
good luck with it and i hope they pull through.


Active Member
First of all don't fertilize seedlings at all!! You already have them in miracle grow soil, I believe that has fertilizer in it. I'd start seedlings in promix instead.
Second, water seedlings from below, you want the roots to "search" for water...keep the top of the soil as dry as possible( if top gets wet while bottom feeding then your watering to much) this will keep "damping off" to a minimum, and prevents mold from growing. (I place my seedling containers on a cookie tray or use a seedling tray with humidity dome, and water the tray as needed).
Third, place the cookie tray on something warm ( a heating pad, (I use the top of my florescent lights), for a week or so untill they get going.( This may help the slow growth.) And use a humidity dome.