margins curling like a taco and turning yellow.


So I just put my plants into flowering today.

They're in an Ebb and Flow system
Medium is hydroton
Watering schedule is now 3 times a day at 6am, noon and 5:30pm
Lights on at 6am, lights off at 6pm
Running botanicare Pure Blend Pro
PPM is 570
PH is 6.0
Temperature never gets above 80 degrees and never below 70
I'm also using tap water that i let sit out for 3 days. It has a PPM of 270
I'm thinking it might be under fed considering it's only about 300 PPM of ferts

This just started today after switching to the new PBP Bloom last night

Any help would be appreciated.

Edit: Also, some of the leaves are now wrinkly. No other way to describe it really.



Well-Known Member
im not sure whats causing this, some people are saying its slight nute burn, and others say its heat/light stress, one of mine is curling a little like this but not as drastic, while another right beside it looks fine..the one thats slightly curling i had transplanted a while back, and decided to add a small dose of bio root and seaweed extract to the soil to help with the roots, the soil already has a small amount of nutes in it, so this could just be caused by that, or not..i think if it was the lights or the temps the other would be curled too so, might be in your soil since you say your temps are good. Do you keep a fan circulating plenty of air over your plants?


Yep. Fan is always on circulating air. No nute burn on mine either and the curling is only happening on a few leaves, but the leaves it's happening on have a very drastic effect.


well i think I just solved my problem. This morning I checked PH and it was a 6.0. Over 8 hours it jumped up to 8! I just put some PH down in and I hope that fixes it.

My light is 400 watts and is a foot from the canopy. There's no heat when I do the hand test so I don't think it's heat stress


Well-Known Member
interesting, i do not actually have a ph meter for the soil, but i added dolomite lime to the top soil..perhaps i didnt add enough


Twisted leaves is almost always a result of a drastic pH change.
good to know. Thanks.

Any idea why the PH would jump so drastically? This is my first grow, but over the last 6 weeks of vegging them I've never had a PH shift that drastic in a matter of hours.


New Member
I was having that problem all last month, noone seemed to have a good answer. anyway I added calcium, lignite and bat guano 10-3-0.
I believe the bat guano cured the problem. So while it does not match the trouble shooting guide I believe nitrogen may play a role.


Well-Known Member
ewww, sorry, but once again i am to drunk to read the other responces, so ill just give my opinion....but, looks like heat to me, or lack of air flow...