Because I legally grow marijuana and seek advice from time to time, what's with the insult, do I know you?
lol... You can't seriously take "turd" as an insult, it sounds too funny.
It's the internet, we need to remember that.
On a serious note, you know that everyone is hating on you in this thread because you sound like a hypocrite. What the people in this thread are trying to say is that it's unfair that you can "legally" grow weed when others get sent to jail. Obviously I'm not going to argue with you about the importance of obeying the law (after all, without law there is chaos), but this thread is about criticizing a bad law. The law is what allows CRIMINALS to control the price of the "drug". If cannabis was legal it would be worthless to criminals. It's been proven that prohibition DOES NOT WORK. Look at Al Capone and alcohol... do you think anyone can get the kind of $$ he got by selling alcohol nowadays? Noooo... so immediately the rum-running mafia lost their financial backing.
By the way, do you live in the US, or where do you grow "legally"? because if it's under US territory, by federal law it is ILLEGAL... Also... where did you get your seeds from?... and do you think the people that get you your seeds should be responsible if one day you decide to become a criminal? They produce SEEDS! The CRIMINALS are the ones who should be jailed, not the gardeners!
Do you really believe that it's the seed makers that are responsible for crime rings? Don't you think that if weed was legal, they wouldn't have the power that they have? (then again, they would just turn to cocaine or heroine or some other illegal substance which people are willing to pay a lot for because they can't get it any other way).
Anyway, I don't mean you any disrespect (it's the internet).