Top Secret Nuclear documents cannot be declassified by the president alone. They also have to be declassified by the Department of Energy. Also illegal possession of these nuclear documents go far above mishandling government documents. Hes in really deep shit if he does indeed possess top secret nuclear weapons documents. Only people with the utmost security clearance can even look at these documents, and tRump n longer has this type of security clearance. He has no legal right to even view any kind of sensitive material, no less top secret nuclear documents, or be in the possession of, in an unsecured facility. Hes also now claiming if there are top secret documents like described, that the FBI planted them there. Hes already obfuscating, because he knows that the documents are there, and hes been found out. The possession of these documents may also come under the espionage act, so he could be found guilty of espionage. Hes in deep shit and al of the tRumpliKKLANS that are screaming banana republic know it.