Mar- A Lago raided FBI Warrants

A National Archives dispute caused a lowly magistrate who used to work for Epstein to issue a warrant on a former Presidents personal residence who is poised to announce a campaign any moment. And sitting rival Presidents DOJ pounced on it.

Yeah this will go well.
you forgot to get but hillary... and but obama... into your deflection, komrad!
Donald made a serious mistake, he should have had his own brown shirts by now, I mean Tee shirts cost nothing! By now he could have hundreds of them guarding his main properties from federal intrusion for the cost of some camping out space, porta potties, some free beer and occasional pep talk! He could tell them to fight like Hell when they come to arrest him or serve a subpoena. I mean the armed rebellion was his greatest post election political success, other than fucking up the GOP for 2022.

This should get him to announce and hit the rally circuit to whip up his remaining morons into a frenzy. If the republican establishment doesn't support him, spout the big lie or otherwise take a bullet for him, he will turn on them, under the bus they go as RHINOs. I hope they keep him and the republicans twisting in the wind for awhile longer, he should be sweating and freaking out, or will soon enough. 90 days from the election is a bit early to indict Donald, there are still republican primaries for him to fuck with and ya want him dancing and screaming like there's a red hot poker shoved up his asshole. If he is indicted a judge will muzzle Donald or send him to jail pending trial and it's too early to shut Donald up. You want him panicked and freaking out on the GOP establishment for a spell longer, while they try to keep their distance, as he burns and eventually explodes. What will his base do when he does explode and the party establishment stands by, or approves, or even testifies against him?

Recall the hearings are paused until September, this clearly was part of the reason for the pause. Over the next 30 days they will get many more to roll over based on this raid (and others I’m sure that are yet to come). How many loyalists will flip come September?

Get your beer nuts and Natty light, this’ll be fun
Let's presume it's a flip by a close confidant. Recently that could be Roger Stone, Chris Ruddy (Newsmax CEO), Alan Weissman, Tom Barrack. Has Jones been a "close confidant"? Ruddy isn't being investigated so he didn't flip. But it could be any 5th pleading, indicted, pardoned, or pardon requesting gadfly around TFG. Very Confusing.

Michael Rapaport REACTS to FBI Executing Search Warrant on Mar-a-Lago
92,844 views Aug 8, 2022 Michael Rapaport hilariously reacts to Fox “News” anchors having a meltdown over the FBI executing a search warrant at Mar-a-Lago as the FBI continues to investigate Donald Trump’s criminality

Totally, when I first heard of this I checked Reuters for info than directlynover to Fox.