Mar- A Lago raided FBI Warrants

There's no way this doesn't become a total shit show.

If they don't find anything indictable, then it's going to be "witch hunt" screaming from the right; if they do find something indictable, then it's going to "planted evidence" from the right.

However, if he's indictable to a degree that prevents a run, then the right will totally drop him like a hot potato - just like they talked shit about him before he became the primary for 2016 and then flipped the script once he became a lock to be the primary.

If they drop him, there will still be a faction that will call all the politicians that dropped him (which will be next to all) a RINO, and kooky stuff will still happen because, you know, a guy who spent his entire life shitting in gold toilets by defrauding investors represents the common man, heh.

Trump gathering a cult following shows just how lost people are and in need of someone/something to believe in. I'm lost too, but I can see that guy ain't the guy.
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frankly I got results when switching to “uranium one conspiracy theory”.

It’s a who’s who of hard-right woo.
Bannon’s stooge Schweizer, another Breitbart employee
Seb Gorka
Sean Hannity
and of course that man.

Breitbart, lol


got it to work this time!?

A questionable source exhibits one or more of the following: extreme bias, consistent promotion of propaganda/conspiracies, poor or no sourcing to credible information, a complete lack of transparency, and/or is fake news. Fake News is the deliberate attempt to publish hoaxes and/or disinformation for profit or influence (Learn More). Sources listed in the Questionable Category may be very untrustworthy and should be fact-checked on a per-article basis. Sources on this list are notconsidered fake news unless specifically written in the reasoning section for that source. See all Questionable sources.
1) check firearm; make sure a round is chambered.
2) align bore with foot. Shoe removal is unnecessary.
3) squeeze trigger.
Ok, I'm going to float this turd:

All that's left is the affidavit. I bet the "inside source" was the Secret Service agent that placed the additional lock that FBI requested.
Yeah trump forgot that as the x-president he would be living 24/7 with LEOs for the rest of his life. Now that he's not president he cannot hand pick his Secret Service Detail and that SS agents are LEOs duty sworn to report all crimes. A few legit agents got mixed in with the rest. Like maybe one of these fine agents...
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