Mar- A Lago raided FBI Warrants

These plants I speak of have been running non stop, more than 10x what they were when the EPA was on to them just a few years ago now. I thought BLM? Why doesn't Bidens administration re-open the investigation into the amount of people living around the plants showing EtO in their blood streams?
These plants I speak of have been running non stop, more than 10x what they were when the EPA was on to them just a few years ago now. I thought BLM? Why doesn't Bidens administration re-open the investigation into the amount of people living around the plants showing EtO in their blood streams?
ethylene oxide does not survive contact with even weak nucleophiles. Blood levels are reliably zero.

Trump sold us out, he knew it was coming, and made sure the Ethylene plants could continue to operate at unsafe levels. Never in the history of the world have they needed to sterilize that much equipment, and I'm supposed to beLieve its just a coincidence that a few months prior he covered up the investigation?
Trump sold us out, he knew it was coming, and made sure the Ethylene plants could continue to operate at unsafe levels. Never in the history of the world have they needed to sterilize that much equipment, and I'm supposed to beLieve its just a coincidence that a few months prior he covered up the investigation?
oddly you keep presenting lies as fact. Do you have any non-demon sperm witch doctor-type woo links?

If you had any, would you not have presented them long ago?

Your close adherence to the known Qtard delusion complex is familiar here. You are a myrmidon of the insurrection.
When I fact checked.. it showed that Trump signed away bump stocks, massive amounts of gun rights, and also covered up the EPA's investigation into toxic Ethylene oxide plants ( what they use to sterilize equipment, with chemicals that are making entire US cities of mostly non white people sick with cancers btw, look it up!)

Funny how he did that, right before they had to put the plants in overdrive, to rush out all the ventilators, medical supplies and test swabs (that didn't even have time to gas off properly before they were sealed up with residuals) for the Plandemic (that happened just like in the event 201 corona virus simulations they were running just a few months before).

When I fact check, it shows that he's a POS traitor... Should I not believe that he's part of some grand conspiracy to fuck over Americans? Are my sources wrong?
your train of thought seems to be jumping from rail to rail...
trump did ban bump stocks, one of the few good things he did, and i still can't figure out his motivation...trump does nothing if it doesn't profit trump. as far as "massive amounts of gun rights" all he did was sign "fix nics" which made the agencies that run background checks make semi-annual reports...he didn't really do anything else, gun rights wise.
he and his employs blocked the epa from investigating ethylene oxide plants, yes...
i'm not going to respond to "plandemic" because it's ridiculous stupid retarded fucking better, sad troll.
he is a fucking traitor, but the only plan to fuck over the American people was his...he wasn't part of any overreaching plan to control the world...he was just a fucking con man who conned half of fucking America


A Japanese politician took a gulp of water taken from a radioactive puddle inside the Fukishima nuclear power plant to prove decontamination efforts at the plant were progressing.

Yasuhiro Sonoda, a Japanese government MP, decided to drink live on television after journalists egged him on.
you managed to find a site that makes OAN look good by comparison.

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beat ya to it