Mar- A Lago raided FBI Warrants

Meanwhile in Russia: Putin's mouthpieces on state TV are taunting America about "Top Secret" documents sought during the raid of Trump's estate, which they claim had to do with the newest nuclear weapons developed by the US and gleefully imply that Moscow already got to see them.

Like I said previously. Anything trump had is already in the hands of our enemies.
if you told people before trump got elected what he will do and his actions will be they would so say this is a fictional and never could happen . trump did more harm and exp the example of what a good balanced leader and president is for the united states of America then by American president before him if not combined , by this cult and trump himself he see it’s United trump of a America . if he could of signed or made a law that made him king he so would of. There’s so much evidence he did everything he could to fuck America and still we have a huge number of Americans and a party willing to burn with trump

just shows like so many things in history we def have some “faithful” sheep/dumbfucks .
Like a said before … fed judge should sue the shit out of that pumpkin head and network. Faces will frown when their wallets are a bit lighter. All slanderous remarks forever archived across airwaves and internet makes it pretty hard to unsee.

Lawyers should find this whole debacle a windfall for new cases .

Fuck Fox. This twitter piece follows the same one i posted earlier.

They waited until after the weekend to secure those nuclear documents that threaten all our lives. Literally said na, that will have to wait until Monday.
really? you have the balls to fucking say that shit after trump stole the shit, got told to return it, tried to slow walk the DOJ and got bitch slapped for it? trump could have just not motherfucking stole the goddamn shit to begin with, ya fucking dumbass