Mar- A Lago raided FBI Warrants

Donald still has every lunatic in America at his back, he is being reduced to his freak show of power. How fucking stupid, insane or drunk do you have to be, to be making threats against the fucking FBI? They will stomp them like cockroaches!
Have we considered everything? trump could have simply needed research material for the book he’s writing.

Horseface is back at it.


Republicans including Greene have repeatedly accused Justice of going after Trump for political reasons.

Her resolution claims that Garland’s “effort to unseal the search warrant for the home of former President Donald J. Trump constitutes an attempt to intimidate, harass, and potentially disqualify a political challenger to President Joseph R. Biden, Jr.”

The White House has said Biden had no knowledge of the FBI’s search, and no evidence has been presented to dispute that.
they should have put her out of suffering, but she was sentenced to death for treason...very little sympathy for her
I have no sympathy for her crime, but she was as human as you and I. The US specialize in awful execution modes. A government should be above that sort of petty sadism.

A government should be above the death penalty … but that’s not important right now
Horseface is back at it.

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Republicans including Greene have repeatedly accused Justice of going after Trump for political reasons.

Her resolution claims that Garland’s “effort to unseal the search warrant for the home of former President Donald J. Trump constitutes an attempt to intimidate, harass, and potentially disqualify a political challenger to President Joseph R. Biden, Jr.”

The White House has said Biden had no knowledge of the FBI’s search, and no evidence has been presented to dispute that.
what a miserable cunt...and what a stupid one. they're fucking sunk, any of them with any sense is trying as hard as possible to distance themselves from trump.
i suppose some of them are so invested and so dirty that the only possible, even though incredibly small, way out for them is straight through...deny everything, blame every one, perjure yourselves even more...
Horseface is back at it.

View attachment 5180011

Republicans including Greene have repeatedly accused Justice of going after Trump for political reasons.

Her resolution claims that Garland’s “effort to unseal the search warrant for the home of former President Donald J. Trump constitutes an attempt to intimidate, harass, and potentially disqualify a political challenger to President Joseph R. Biden, Jr.”

The White House has said Biden had no knowledge of the FBI’s search, and no evidence has been presented to dispute that.

The dude to her left looks like he's mulling over "life choices".
I have no sympathy for her crime, but she was as human as you and I. The US specialize in awful execution modes. A government should be above that sort of petty sadism.

A government should be above the death penalty … but that’s not important right now
i agree, but it was 1953 and they sold secrets to the russians...they were lucky they weren't literally torn limb from limb in the street by a raging mob...and i doubt they were motivated by petty sadism on an official level...who can say what the guy administering the juice was thinking, but i doubt there was any word handed down to make her suffer, after julius went easily moments before her.
Horseface is back at it.

View attachment 5180011

Republicans including Greene have repeatedly accused Justice of going after Trump for political reasons.

Her resolution claims that Garland’s “effort to unseal the search warrant for the home of former President Donald J. Trump constitutes an attempt to intimidate, harass, and potentially disqualify a political challenger to President Joseph R. Biden, Jr.”

The White House has said Biden had no knowledge of the FBI’s search, and no evidence has been presented to dispute that.

She was having such a good time last weekend at the LIV tournament with TFG & Tucker & the Saudis. This is so awkward.
i agree, but it was 1953 and they sold secrets to the russians...they were lucky they weren't literally torn limb from limb in the street by a raging mob...and i doubt they were motivated by petty sadism on an official level...who can say what the guy administering the juice was thinking, but i doubt there was any word handed down to make her suffer, after julius went easily moments before her.
Not too many years off ( 1947 ) that the “ Big Bad Red “ investigating communist influence in the glamorous hollywood field. Conservative watchdogs were systematically looking to out “ commies “.

In an investigation that began in October 1947, the House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC) grilled a number of prominent witnesses, asking bluntly “Are you or have you ever been a member of the Communist Party?” Whether out of patriotism or fear, some witnesses—including director Elia Kazan, actors Gary Cooper and Robert Taylor and studio honchos Walt Disney and Jack Warner—gave the committee names of colleagues they suspected of being communists.
what a miserable cunt...and what a stupid one. they're fucking sunk, any of them with any sense is trying as hard as possible to distance themselves from trump.
i suppose some of them are so invested and so dirty that the only possible, even though incredibly small, way out for them is straight through...deny everything, blame every one, perjure yourselves even more...
Even that dumbass Marco Rubio had enough sense to lay low today.
CNN analyst says the intel Trump stole are so sensitive that FBI agents will begin FINGER PRINTING each document to find out who actually touched them.
Of course they will and the guy who printed it out for Trump is in shit too. His chief of staff Meadows should have been on top of this, as should his national security people who are responsible for tracking all these documents, the FBI will be talking to them all.

This is starting to look serious enough for shit to happen, the pressure on Garland will be enormous. Since Trump slandered Obama, Joe might speak in his defense (he was his VP) and about the seriousness of classified documents in general. He might mention that the lives of sources, agents and US military personnel are on the line with these documents and they are often the product of blood sweat, tears and sacrifice. His administration takes such security matters very seriously and is aware of their national importance. He need not mention Trump or even refer to the case, but emphasizing the importance of national security to his administration...