Mar- A Lago raided FBI Warrants

Donald made a serious mistake, he should have had his own brown shirts by now, I mean Tee shirts cost nothing! By now he could have hundreds of them guarding his main properties from federal intrusion for the cost of some camping out space, porta potties, some free beer and occasional pep talk! He could tell them to fight like Hell when they come to arrest him or serve a subpoena. I mean the armed rebellion was his greatest post election political success, other than fucking up the GOP for 2022.

This should get him to announce and hit the rally circuit to whip up his remaining morons into a frenzy. If the republican establishment doesn't support him, spout the big lie or otherwise take a bullet for him, he will turn on them, under the bus they go as RHINOs. I hope they keep him and the republicans twisting in the wind for awhile longer, he should be sweating and freaking out, or will soon enough. 90 days from the election is a bit early to indict Donald, there are still republican primaries for him to fuck with and ya want him dancing and screaming like there's a red hot poker shoved up his asshole. If he is indicted a judge will muzzle Donald or send him to jail pending trial and it's too early to shut Donald up. You want him panicked and freaking out on the GOP establishment for a spell longer, while they try to keep their distance, as he burns and eventually explodes. What will his base do when he does explode and the party establishment stands by, or approves, or even testifies against him?
He has brown shorts. Now
I really hope this was a result of something they found on Alex Jones' phone.

According to my Senator, Marco Rubio, the Trump appointed FBI director is a tool of "the Left" and the IRS agents are coming after you next. What an American patriot.
For some reason Repugs fear that agency. We need to instate Eisenhower-era tax policy and send the IRS after the multinationals and their executive staffs.
And then tax the churches as political organizations.

FBI executes search warrant at Donald Trump's home at Mar-a-Lago
14,592 views Aug 8, 2022 A legal barrier has been broken - a maiden legal voyage has been taken: the FBI executed a search warrant at Mar-a-Lago, the Florida home of former President Donald Trump. This is a historic law enforcement move by the Department of Justice.

Importantly, in order to obtain a search warrant for Trump's home, a federal judge had to have concluded that there was probable cause to believe there is evidence of federal crimes on the property of Mar-a-Lago.

This video discusses what we know about this monumental development, what we don't know, and what the DOJ should now do on the transparency front to promote a full and accurate understanding of the state of the criminal investigation that prompted today's search warrant at Mar-a-Lago.
I hope the FBI was prepared for the inevitable wing-nuts & white nationalist militias that were already ready to explode.

The DOJ should be very public about this and the media should strongly remind the nation that Trump's appointed FBI director, Wray, approved, AG Garland approved, and a magistrate judge approved on very specific evidence.