MANS BEST FRIEND-shoff your dog.


Active Member
He looks big dumb and happy. Cool poooch.
we all love dogs and cant imagine life without them. they are fearlessly loyal and truly mans best friend. post pics and info of your pooch here

this is duke. my friend whos a breeder gave him to me. he's kinda of a helmet, but he's a good dog. plus free kick ass security.


Well-Known Member
This is Casey. He is a 7 year old boxer. Mans best friend!!

Turn ons Sticks and squirrels.

Turn offs The hose, Ear mite drops.

Hey boxer buddy. I just want to grab you and play! Cute dog dude. I love boxers. They talk to you too!


Well-Known Member
dude awesome looking dogs
what is the last pic......boxer/bulldog
She's a boxer. She's heavy in this pic. Prednizone (spelling?) is a roid that makes you retain water. She was on all kinds of shit by the time she went. Cortazone cured her pain like a magic trick...but in the end the cancer on her spinal cord made her lose all the use of a leg. She was too weak to use three legs so I had to put her down.

Dogs and radiation don't mix. They're even more miserable.


Active Member
Thank you I love him. Having a boxer is like having a 2 year old for 5 years. Then they mellow out and they are so fucking loyal to one person. His coat is technically A Golden Flashy Reverse Brindle. At least that is what the Pedigree says. I got the best deal ever on him. I got him when he was 6 months old because my friends who breed and sold him as a puppy for $1800 ended up getting him back because the lady they sold him too got divorced and could no longer take care of a crazy ass boxer puppy. So they took him back and sent him to the vet for a full check up. I got him for $175 dollars in vet bills! My roomate has his grandfather.


Active Member
So sad. I hate thinking about that stuff with my dog it makes me want to cry. I really love my dog. He goes everywhere with me. I even take him to work. Sorry about your boxer. that sucks.

She's a boxer. She's heavy in this pic. Prednizone (spelling?) is a roid that makes you retain water. She was on all kinds of shit by the time she went. Cortazone cured her pain like a magic trick...but in the end the cancer on her spinal cord made her lose all the use of a leg. She was too weak to use three legs so I had to put her down.

Dogs and radiation don't mix. They're even more miserable.


Well-Known Member
For about three years I tough of her everyday. Now just every other day. For three weeks when I came home from work my other dog Bogy would look at me like "where the fuck is she dude." I didn't want to get another dog because Bogy was so old. He's still going strong but it would kill me to see another younger dog try and dominate him. He's going to live out the winter of his life chillin. Not trying to claim what's already his.


New Member
She's a boxer. She's heavy in this pic. Prednizone (spelling?) is a roid that makes you retain water. She was on all kinds of shit by the time she went. Cortazone cured her pain like a magic trick...but in the end the cancer on her spinal cord made her lose all the use of a leg. She was too weak to use three legs so I had to put her down.

Dogs and radiation don't mix. They're even more miserable.
thats sucks man
r u gonna replace it?


Active Member
they look like bed hogs...... Warm fuzzy imovable bed hogs. i love the mastifs. They are usual very gentile.


Active Member
Totaly understandable. I brought home a black and tan coon hound after out pug died. All I could think is "you not piggy" He turned out to be a cool dog till someone took him out of my back yard. We have an old dog here but my he and my dog get aong really well. Casey is not a real dominant dog.

For about three years I tough of her everyday. Now just every other day. For three weeks when I came home from work my other dog Bogy would look at me like "where the fuck is she dude." I didn't want to get another dog because Bogy was so old. He's still going strong but it would kill me to see another younger dog try and dominate him. He's going to live out the winter of his life chillin. Not trying to claim what's already his.