manipulating the conditions outside.

Devils love

Member new here..i know this isnt like most posts..but i was just curious..wouldnt it help the plant at all by manipulating the conditions so that they are like outside. as the seasons change shouldnt your lighting accordingly? i mean..insted of just the lighting to make them budd..should the temp change? theres pigments in the chlorphyl that can turn red. orange. purple. it also makes the buds tighten. anyone ever mess with anything like this? i know energy bills would be crazy. but the plants are ment to be outdoors. we should try to make it as close as possible to what its like but at the same time make it better.


Well-Known Member
Well, your first error here is in thinking that cannabis is a year-round plant. It's not; at most it buds for 6 months, then flowers up its seeds, and then bye-bye again. So really, trying to create year-round conditions doesn't make a lot of sense. Second, TONS of people do this. It is in some sense what every indoor grower does, taking natural lighting hours and degrees of lighting but improving upon them. A lot of people put UVB light in their grow rooms to simulate the UV radiated by the Sun. Also, what makes a plant get those cool colours is letting the plant grow out longer and driving temperatures down, but that also stresses it out a bit, so IMHO, that is taking away from productivity that could be directed toward bud growth. CO2 instruments also simulate the outdoors. Pretty much everything you're saying is being done, unless I somehow misunderstood your question.

Devils love

lol yeah you did i know its not a year round plant. its annual. goes away in the winter and comes back in spring. i know all this. im not new to growing im just meaning..during outdoor growing if you know what your doing you harvest after the first frost. it tightens the budds. im just saying the plants wont budd until you change there lighting. from then you have 6 months. till the budds mature. i know people use co2 its what we breathe out. where im from outdoors we breathe on our plants. talk to them to. theres studys that show sounds have effects on plants...i was just curious as to why most people dont drop the temp in the grow rooms as it would naturally? i mean i guess some do im sure..but alot dont..cold i feel helps the makes it know that the end is coming..plants are living and know whats best for themselves. it would make the plant put in the extra last bit to be potent. idk if i just ran around in circles with this..hope it helps a little more? idk :S


Well-Known Member
You wouldnt want to copy the outdoor cond. A lot of outdoor crops fail or finish poorly due to the elements. Why would you want heavy autumn rain, frosts, high RH causing mold,sun angling(Autumn) causing mold, windy cond smashing branches against your buds,hail ,floods, even bushfires????? Not to mention animals,thieves. Wouldnt it be better to keep the plants under the optimum temp of 26-27c lights on and about 21-22c lights off, your plants prefer this to the harsh elements of nature. By using a HPS for flowering you will give them more red spectrum anyway, same as Autumn.


Well-Known Member
There are the conditions that a marijuana plant deals with normally... and then there are IDEAL conditions. Indoor growing seeks to try to give them all the perfect conditions to flourish properly. Outside... nature isn't the always the nicest mother. Conditions outside are never perfectly ideal. But it's possible to figure out exactly what would cause a marijuana plant to grow 100% perfectly and then try to replicate that in a controlled environment.

If I (a human) went and killed a mammoth and ate its meat for dinner, is that a better meal than one cooked by my step mom? Proper servings of carbs, rice, veggies, etc. That's ideal. Not hunting for food like humans used to. Just because something does what it does outside does not mean there can't be better conditions.