Mango Original!!! is it female, help plz pics posted

Hey people this is my first grow where i havent shipped it off to one of my mates im keeping it for myself would just like to know if shes female?!? and if you can spot anything im doing wrong feel free to let me know plz good or bad. its about 6-7 weeks old and its only been under daylight on my window sill as i have not got lights grow space sorted yet lol its smelling nice and if you have any tips to help it bulk out abit as it looks kinda thin plz let you opinions flow many thanks english grower



Legal Moderator, Esq.
Yeah that's a lanky plant lol, the pic from the top I BELIEVE I see a lil white hair or 3 sticking up....but not positive, gonna go look more.

Edit: no man parts showing, are those white hairs on top of the tippy top or light reflecting off leaves? It may not be showing sex yet but so far not a boy.

MC Bud

it isnt on 12/12 yet more like 16/8, do u suggest changing it to 12/12 now? and is it too late to try lst
well generally they wont show sex until they've been on a 12/12 lighting schedule. generally for veg i keep the lights on 18/6 and when i'm ready to start flowering ill switch them over to 12/12. if you want to LST, do it while its still in veg. unnecessary stress during flowering can cause it to hermie.