Good advice there buddy. You don't have a clue what mango juice will do to a plant...but you tell him/her it will be fine. It's people like you that help people ruin their gardens. If you don't know what you're talking about...why not shut the fuck up!
being helpful does not mean shootin your mouth with advice that you haven't got a clue about. Grow up and quit giving bad advice to people. It doesn't help anyone.
Feck Feck Feck Feck Feck Feck Feck Feck
there is a difference between nonconstructive criticism and advice.
Well i have years of experience in feeding my girls with mango juice (when they are flowering) and it works pretty nicely. Mango like most fruits and vegetebles are packed with vitamins, antioxidants and minerals along with various other goodies that my girls love. Without a doubt fruits work best when made to breakdown into compost or liquid before adding to the soil where your plant is. The plants respond better and faster to fruits that are decomposed. It makes the nutrients easily available to the plants who will absorb and make use of it much more efficiently. I love using pineapples, water melons, papaws and pretty much every other fruit i got available. I just chop them up into bits, put them in a large black bucket filled with rainwater strictly, (in my many trials and errors rain water seems to make the fruits breakdown faster than water with clorine) i keep the bucket covered so hardly any light can get in but there is space enough for insects to come lay and hatch eggs so worms and other critters can still do thier job, (certain insects reproduce, eat and defficate in the bucket which also helps the fruits breakdown faster) then i leave the fruits to soak in the rainwater and they saturate it in a day or two and then i simply mix the fruit water with normal tap water and wet the plants periodically. I add more fruits to the mix as time goes by. Oranges, soursops, avacadoes, nunis, guavas, barbadines, bananas and plaintains (bananas and plaintains especially are super packed with nutrients flowering plants love) and even vegetebles like cauliflower, cabbage, pachoi, christophene and my personnal favourite; beetroot (beetroots and all parts of the plant are loaded with phosphorus, phosphate and alot more other nutrients that your buds will thank you 4) even herbs like mint, basil, rosemary, stinging nettles, dill, fevergrass, lemon grass, bandania, thime and various others give great results. Every single time the end result is always amazingly big sticky buds with Ridiculos amounts of trichomes along with the most profound taste and effects. The only downside to me is that all of my weed tastes slightly simular when i wet them with the same fruit mix so i often have different mixtures for different plants. Some might get pawpaw and pineapples only, others might get mangoes and cherries only and with others i switch it up. I attached some shots of my furthest ahead plant. This plant is only 3 weeks into flowering and look at how it looks already.Of course it's a bad idea. Why feed something you don't have a clue about the results? Is it that hard to find some normal nutes where you live?
Sounds like mango juice would be very acidic.
It's a waste of good juice. But the ingredients aren't really bad for plants. but why stop there? Alternate between mango, guava, peach, apricot. I love those juices. There's no way I would waste one on a plant. I have a couple guavas here now.So I diluted some Mango juice (kerns) and water my plants with it.
Anyone know if that was a bad idea?
Drink half and give the other half to the plants. You get drunk. The plants and microbes get happy too.
Drink half and give the other half to the plants. You get drunk. The plants and microbes get happy too.
I gave a plant i had some pomecetae and pomegranate wine in times past and they loved it. In no time they sprouted alot more hairs and went crazy with thricomes. I know fruits work because ive been using them for years and i have done many tests with clones. ill cut two clones from the same plant, each same size average, place them both under the same circumstances and enviroment, (same size pots, same positioning, same amount of light, same time 2 wet, same amount of water) then ill feed one with the fruits (which has been broken down into rain water) when it starts flowering, and the other ill leave to grow on its own. The one that is fed with fruits is ALWAYS a better plant in the end. bigger buds, more thrichomes, smokes better, stronger high and effects but when smoked, they always have a slight hint of the fruits they were fed with. Sometimes you can even smell the fruit slightly on the plant even while its growing. in my experience, pine apples, cherries and citrus fruits leave thier essense profoundly in a plant. When i wet a plant with pineapples strictly, the plants thrichomes starts to smell like pineapples . It still smells like weed yes but there is an infusion of a pineapple odour in the weed odour. It doesent bother me, i revel in the flavourously fruity additions and in most cases i much rather a plant that has been fed fruits than one that has not. Honestly i always use fruits to give plants a boost in thier performance. Only if its a very special plant, one that i want to experience its true taste without any perversions, only then will i not feed it with fruits. Overall i love using fruits and certain other natural stuff to make plant food. Fruits, herbs and vegetables are like natural steroids for cannabis and alot more other plants will love them as well. I often feed my lillies and roses with them and they both love it. Almost immediately after recieving they become infested with big healthy flowers. Fruits, vegetables and herbs are amazing when turned into plant food. You dont need 2 waste a cent on chemical ferts. In my opinion, (which has been fortified with countless trials and errors), all of the chems i have used are greatly inferior to fruits, herbs and vegetebles which has been encouraged to breakdown naturally. no scientist in any lab can beat the good old outdoors and the many plants the creator has blessed us with and they dont need to be flushed like chems which make the buds taste strange when left to harvest without flushing. Stay as organic as possible.Drink half and give the other half to the plants. You get drunk. The plants and microbes get happy too.