Manganese deficiency?


Well-Known Member
At first I thought this was spider mites eating my leaves, but there are no spider mites. The "Nutrient and Deficiency Table" states the symptoms I have here as being Mn deficiency. I change my res every week, and clean everything out every two weeks.

Any input?



Well-Known Member
New growth is healthy. It is only the large leaves that grow off of the main stalk... for now. I'd like to stop it before it spreads, if possable. I flower in hydro drip irrigation, Botanicare nutes, ph ~5.9, ppm ~1600 (flowering). Been using this same setup for about a year. This problem has only shown up once before, about 6 months ago. It doesn't show up until the plants are about 4 weeks into flower.

Thank you for any help you can provide.


Well-Known Member
get some Cal mag and mix at 1/2 recomended.

Check your Ph it must be high, causing the lock out.

are you using an ozone generator? If so keep away from plants.



Well-Known Member
You have a calmag hog increase the dose of calmag in your rez. I have seen that on certain strains before. Dirrtyd


Well-Known Member
I have two different strains growing, and they feed from the same res. The problem only shows up on one strain, not the other. I'm giving them 5ml per gallon now. What should I go up to?
if it is a mg def. and not an mn def. you might wanna raise the ph to 6-6.2 for flowering. this range would make the mg more available to the plant. just a though. also 1600 ppm maybe a little high without the same co2 ppms in the room.


Well-Known Member
I'm not entirely sure what the problem is, I'm just going by this chart. I may try dropping the ppm to 1200 next crop. I'm about to start pre harvest flushing tomorrow, so they will get only water for two weeks.

i have the same problems and it seems to be spreading to other leafs on the plan quickly, i also have a very thin glob on the leafs it looks as if water was on it but its sticky and shiny what is it?


Well-Known Member
...don't know how far you are into flowering, but stay light with the Hydroplex in early stages of flowering.
i have the same problems and it seems to be spreading to other leafs on the plan quickly, i also have a very thin glob on the leafs it looks as if water was on it but its sticky and shiny what is it?
any foliar feeding going on? what are your temps and RH? what are your ph levels ? maybe the wettness on the leaf is traspiration, and if thats the case it may be transpiring too fast. any pics?


Active Member
i also have a very thin glob on the leafs it looks as if water was on it but its sticky and shiny what is it?

You probably have aphids somewhere on the plant. They leave a sticky resin as a result of the feeding on the leaves. You might also find ants in the area because they farm aphids to collect this resin.