Mane's Indoor Summer Extoic Grow


Well-Known Member
uh the last is WW i think i chopped alot cause they weren't improving and taking up space kinda.
Hoepfully by friday i can update with pics that you can actually see progress even this dig cam sucks


Well-Known Member
right now those are under flouros. 2 85w
if i see improvement on w/e going on i'll crank back up the HPS.


Well-Known Member
naw i been using sweet leaf since it has molasses in it.
might do it on one plant just to compare.there will only be 2 soil plants anyway as ill transfer to hydro
Drip sys


Well-Known Member
I'm going to get comfortable with soil before I move to dro...would like to run an experiment but I already have so many projects running I'm afraid I'll get in over my head.


Well-Known Member
i feel you get a feel for it.
gonna take pics on Friday just moved one of the homeboxes downstairs.
i didnt want it down here cause i get too many pple comin in n out my crib but fuck it they shouldnt see it.
got all cfls in there.


Well-Known Member
aw I already at the end? I got to smoking weed and reading Mane's crazy ass thread...for 22 pages now.

Sux to hear about yer female not taking care of biz like a soldier. does she not smoke? If she does, she may have to be on ration...cause I mean, I know there's some curve with dro, but c'mon?!

I do get the sense that you're for better agriculture thru advanced brewin up the texas tea on those muthafuckas! Plus you got some engineering skillz on the DL...math? WTF? But that's that real LIFE game...mad props. That's what it's all about.

And it sounds like you been at this biz for a minute, so you cool, shit. Bounce back from the chemical warfare and you're back in action!

Oohwhee! And the Mane seed sown in the Pacific NW?! Run it! I'm trying to learn about it! Hit me on the under...

And I look forward to the next 22 pages. :)

Peace and Props.


Well-Known Member
good look King n Closet.. yea she smoke just didnt follow what i wrote down.
came back then a couple hrs later checked ppm and was like damn, but i aint even that mad tho.


New Member
hey mane, sorry fo the delay bro... heres a pic of my curled tips.... im pretty sure this is normal...what you think? thanks man.... also i might as well ask , cause I have no the second pic... is that a white hair??? female?? that would be the shit...



Well-Known Member
hey mane, sorry fo the delay bro... heres a pic of my curled tips.... im pretty sure this is normal...what you think? thanks man.... also i might as well ask , cause I have no the second pic... is that a white hair??? female?? that would be the shit...

Definitely a female ;)


Well-Known Member
Real talk on the maneseed, tho, when u get something stable. sow the seed in the wind and you may just vacation to a lush jungle on the west coast...:leaf:


New Member
yea lay back on the nutes on ya girl:D
ok cool, thanks mane... so maybe I should flush the mg soil and feed them plant food.. they've had curled tips like that for a month or more, I just figured it was all I ever added was coffee grinds 2 times to help with nitrogen... thanks for the advice man.... much appreciated..:bigjoint: