Mandatory Sentence?


Well-Known Member
Yea or Nay,,,Heard the Republican's are trying to make mandate's instead of judicial discretion,,,We are fucked IMO:-(,,,Just heard the word and don't have time to look it up,,,To busy busting my ass for pennies:lol:....I say Fuck that!!!! Ya know mandatory minimum sentencing for crime's??? or whatever???:finger:that!!!
Blame the prison lobby imo; Mandatory minimum sentencing costs a fuckton of money... There is no societal benefit from minimum sentences - is there? I mean, I dont think anyone agrees with the sentiment that "jailing potheads makes the world safer"; So what does it accomplish?
Yea or Nay,,,Heard the Republican's are trying to make mandate's instead of judicial discretion,,,We are fucked IMO:-(,,,Just heard the word and don't have time to look it up,,,To busy busting my ass for pennies:lol:....I say Fuck that!!!! Ya know mandatory minimum sentencing for crime's??? or whatever???:finger:that!!!

I hereby sentence you to a minimum of one year of English composition classes.
I'm not talking just about "Pot",,,But where I live you have to pay to be in jail!!!,,,They want to streamline the system and make every crime have a mandatory sentance is what I'm hearing instead of letting the factor's of the case dictate the appropriate sentance,,,Cost cutting,,,while taking us away!!!
I think the point is to take the decision making away from the judges to eliminate payoffs and corruption within the system........ and it helps deter crime by assuring if you do the crime, here's the time.
I think the point is to take the decision making away from the judges to eliminate payoffs and corruption within the system........ and it helps deter crime by assuring if you do the crime, here's the time.
Well to me that's taking a "Judge's" power from him!!!,,,Who is to say "What Crime fit's the punishment?,,,and who say's you can't be charged and found guilty for something you did not do?,,,Seem like there putting a lot of "Police Power's",,,In the equation,,,and that's Bad IMO!!!
Would if I could?,,,Heard it on NPR couple day's ago?,,,Still not computer literate,,,I'm pretty Blue collar with a very hectic workday's if ya' know what I'm saying?,,,Just really bothered me tho.....

that shit would bother me too... mandatory sentence wold mean we all could get locked up one way or another
i literally just did 3 and half years, april 1,2008 to november 4, 2011 for growing pot, now when i was in there was alot of talk from both the staff and inmates that were fighting their cases still and who talked to lawyers often, that they were actually trying to lower the mandatory min. from 70% to somewhere around 50-60% mainly because of the cost and overcrowding, hell we were so full that we had 3 people in a 7 by 12 cell with 3 beds stacked, 3 lockers and stool with a desk and your toilet, got a little tight in there from time to time and tempers flare in those kind of conditions. but anyways if what you say is true then honestly im gonna keep doing what im doing so i dont go back. prison really dosnt change to many people, and i was all excited to get out and get back into shit and pick up where i left off, literally to the day i got out, now im so fucking scared of going back that i dont fuck around one bit, i get a eighth delivered to me once a week and it never leaves my house lol. i work 55 hours a week and save every penny. it sucks trying to live a legitimate life and work my ass off for what seems like chump change. but for some reason i love it now, i finally grew up lol
"it sucks trying to live a legitimate life and work my ass off for what seems like chump change. but for some reason i love it now, i finally grew up lol "

Good for you, buddy. Hang in there.
Man I really feel for you that fucking suck's!!!!I grow cause I hate supporting cartel's and crappy weed IMA lol,,,I work 60-70+ hour's and the shit is killing me!!! The money suck's too,,,I don't deal just provide to keep me sane now and then,,,But fuck building more hell hole's and giving the "Police",,,More power!!!! I feel for ya TTK420,,,It's all good,,,Work suck's but has many rewards,,,,,I'm still looking J/k,,,Keep's ya down low......
yea, now that i really have a decent job, i had to actually ask my dad lol, im fucking 23 years old and honestly had no idea where to start at, he asked for a favor or two and got me in down at his place, im a steel worker, a month and half after starting i took over as the lead saw operator and break press operator. im also trained in running hands manual machining, such as keyers, lathes, mills and a handfull of crazy weird drill presses, i can cnc too i just havnt learned how to program them yet, it all came so naturally to me that i fast tracked quicker than 2 guys that have been there for 6-8months. but the thing that really gets me, growing pot dosnt provide health insurance, or a 401k, profit sharing. and it really isnt(although most of the time is) a gauranteed pay check each week. i kno that for sure i have atleast 500 coming to me, the cops cant take that and they cant take the shit you buy with it. its a huge weight off my back thinking about those things. its worth the suffering, i see myself going far in this company. and everything i do kno i have that thought in the back of mind *can i get into trouble for this? does it carry any time* if the answer is yes to either i avoid at all costs
No one is talking a about dealing,,,we are talking mandatory minimum's,,,You still have a long productive life ahead of you,,,Work suck's been there and still doing it....I'm talking mandatory whatever law you break like j-walking to muerder!
i really cant imagine that congress would even consider a law such as that, can you really grasp just how many people would be in jail/prison/half way houses. society would deeply suffer from this, if you just read the daily record in your newspaper and see how many people get charged with crimes such as public intox and dui, most of them are everyday hard working law upholding citizens, im willing bet we have over 100 duis a week here, now if all those people have to miss work because there serving a small sentence that normally would get you probabtion, add that up and all the jobs that are missing employees, bills that arnt being takin care off, not to mention the massive over crowding we would have ontop of the current overcrowding. and who pays for all that? we do, anybody that pays any sort of taxes, and also think how someone who was doing really good in ones life then has a tiny mishap with the law and from there it snowballs, this could also potentially lead to some peoples own self destruction. the best thing they could do is reduce the mandatory min. and or remove it from certain charges that should really apply to and then let those people have their faith determined by the parole board and those board members feel your ready to be released, al that could be based on behavior, and treatment offered inside.

idk, just my thoughts
Well to me that's taking a "Judge's" power from him!!!,,,Who is to say "What Crime fit's the punishment?,,,and who say's you can't be charged and found guilty for something you did not do?,,,Seem like there putting a lot of "Police Power's",,,In the equation,,,and that's Bad IMO!!!

Well, I think it could work both ways actually. If the judge likes you or your lawyer does a good job arguing your case, you could receive less time or probation without the mandatory. If the judge doesn't like you or hates your lawyer (which I've seen before), he could give you more outside the guidelines. Under mandatory sentencing, at least you know where you stand before going in. The lawyering doesn't matter as much i.e. a better lawyer will generally get you less time if he does his job properly. My point is you may think it's better not to have them, but that's not always the case.

For example, I was caught with 875 plants in the late 80's-early 90's- I don't want to be specific- and was looking at one 1st degree (20 years), two 2nd degrees (10 years each) and a bunch or 3rd and 4th degrees and was looking at serious fucking time in the big house. In was right next to a school too- that was the only mandatory in the charges- 3 years. And without going into the payoffs that were made and about $75K in legal fees, I was
sentenced to 6 months in jail. I did 62 days and 3 years probation (I got early release after 1.5 years), a small fine and was never piss tested once, although I attended a bullshit drug evaluation class once a week for 3-4 months. There's always a way around things if you know how to go about it right (and who u know, course).
That's what I'm trying to say you got off easy,,,getting busted with all them charges under Mandatory minimum's you would have to chance of seeing the light of day.
I think the point is to take the decision making away from the judges to eliminate payoffs and corruption within the system........ and it helps deter crime by assuring if you do the crime, here's the time.

Unless u are super rich then the law doesn't apply to you