Well-Known Member
Sure thing. Fairly leafy. Diesal - Kerosene smell. Hashy taste. Neither have kept the citrus smell as they've dried. We'll see if it comes back during a cure. Resin content is decent but nothing like my Afghan X Skunk or even Lemlom.
- Hey, It's not overWe're gonna bring this strain outside next year. Still have 5 seeds left + all the crosses we've made. We already know she responds well to 14/10. I think they will do well. Odin might even be doing his SBR X Satori crosses on this thread, so who knows. I hope you stick around in the future.
I'd have to agree on the trimming, very time consuming.
The citrus scent never came back in the flavor for me after curing, but the fuel flavor does fade with the cure, after 6 months I got an earthy hash flavor while smoking.
My friend (who is a gifted grower) grew out a couple clones I gave him this summer outdoors (one male & one female). It finished 3 wks back, which means it started flowering well before 12 hrs dark. He gave me some seeds from a cross he made this summer with his Sour Diesel.