Mandala Seeds Kalichakra Grow {comments welcome}


Well-Known Member
That makes sense. I think that I may have experienced that on my first grow in soil a while back. I'll be updating with pics and whatnot later tonight.


Well-Known Member
This Kalichakra is an incredibly light eater. The big girls in flowering are absolutely uninterested in more than 1000ppm, and the little ladies that are in veg are only drinking at around 450ppm. The ones in veg were big enough to go to 6" pots today. At the rate they're going, I think that I'll be able to clone them in a couple of weeks. I'm thinking that they'll be a foot tall topped with rootballs filling their pots by time to harvest this first crop.

I got some TGQ Quirkle seeds today. I'll be waiting a little while to germ them though. I don't really have space to do anything with them yet.


mr west

Well-Known Member
That sucks, Mr West. I'd give you a clone if I could.
Cheers mate but its ok i think i have enough in m veg room for it not to be a problem lol. They say on the madala website that u dont need to feed mandala plants as they r bred for thier vigour or something lol.


Well-Known Member
That's what they say. I didn't realize that nutrient consumption would peak at less than 1000ppm though. They also say it yields 500g's on 400 watts. I don't have enough plants for that this time, and they're too tall to really get under the light. That would equate to 1250g's on my 1000w light. I'll be really surprised by that too if it ever happens.

mr west

Well-Known Member
how many plants are u growing? I thought u only need to rig up co2 wen u got shedloads of plants


Well-Known Member
There are three in there. I have 12 that will go in there as soon as those finish. I built it from stuff that I had sitting around. Also, plants just grow better when the CO2 concentration of the surrounding atmosphere is increased.
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Well-Known Member
Today, I got my tape measure back from my room mate. From front to back, the plants are 4', 3.5', 4.5'. I could definitely tell a difference in the size of the buds since yesterday. I don't know if it was just one of those days where that happens or if the CO2 thing is actually helping. I just looked back at the pictures from two weeks ago, and the difference blew my mind. This is the first grow that I've documented, so I've never been able to compare anything like that before. I just hope that the final two to three weeks coming up are as productive as the last two were. Flushing starts tomorrow. I'm just going to give them ph'ed water and molasses. I'm going to change things so that the air conditioner runs all day long as well. That should considerably drop their "night" temperature. I'm hoping that they'll turn cool colors. A guy on breedbay that documented a grow of this strain really well dropped the temperatures into the 50's during the last three weeks and got a lot of reds and purples.



Well-Known Member
They Look Very Healthy!!,,,,,,,,,Your Doing A Great Job!!!!,,,,,,Best Of Luck,,,,,,,,,,,Later HATCH:mrgreen::blsmoke::peace:


Well-Known Member
Thanks a lot, man. I don't think that I've ever harvested at exactly the right time. I've definitely never gotten my flush right before. Today is the first day of the eighth week, and they're supposed to finish in 63-68 days. They seemed to start slower than plants of the same strain grown by others. They were really stressed when I started flowering. Could it be that the stress delayed the onset of flowering and thus the finish will be similarly delayed? It also looks like all three will finish at different times. One of them has a few hairs that have turned red. Should I maybe wait to start flushing each one at a different time when maybe 40% of the hairs have turned red?


Well-Known Member
I usually look at them by taking really close up pictures and looking at them zoomed in on my computer. the tallest plant in the back seems to be the most sativa. It looks like it has some time to fill out the bud structure. It looks like it has more internode space yet to fill in. How about tonight when the lights come on, I take the most macro shots that I can with my mediocre camera and then crop them to be uploadable here rather than scaling them? Then you guys can help me out... let me know what you think?


Well-Known Member
Here are the best shots that I could manage. I only have pictures of the two that look the furthest from harvest: my camera died on me. Let me know how long you guys think that I have until I should begin my flush. How much growth and what changes in bud structure / fullness do you guys that that I should expect during flush? I've heard that I could expect growth of up to 20% in the last two weeks?


mr west

Well-Known Member
they look nice man nice and frosty, shame they a bit over exposed, the flash always lights up the trics tho. Good work dude how long u got left?


Well-Known Member
That's my question too. They're supposed to be finished in two weeks. I think that two of the plants have about 4 weeks left and one has three though.

mr west

Well-Known Member
jus gotta wait for the hairs to go ginger or brown then check the state of the trics, they look like they could be fatter have u given them any pk 13/14?


Well-Known Member
That's a Hesi product, huh? I was using Advanced Nutrients Iguana juice. Even the bloom has a higher nitrogen than phosphorous content. I switched to Fox Farm Tiger Bloom. I used to have pH problems using this stuff, but now that I have a reliable pH meter this is no longer a problem. I've noticed that the buds have been filling out faster since I switched. They were really loose before.