Mancos, Cortez, Mesa Verde Dispensary


Well-Known Member
Just wondering if anyone had experience of dispensaries in this area and what your thoughts are. The good, the bad, the ugly? TIA
I didn't even know such small towns exist down there.

I wish u well on finding out what's good with those stores.

In my opinion, many small town dispensaries lack quality medicine.
I didn't even know such small towns exist down there.

I wish u well on finding out what's good with those stores.

In my opinion, many small town dispensaries lack quality medicine.
There seems to be a couple of them, and one of them (I don't remember which) looked like a satellite store of a dispensary in Denver, I think.
I didn't even know such small towns exist down there.

I wish u well on finding out what's good with those stores.

In my opinion, many small town dispensaries lack quality medicine.

That is the case with most dispensaries in general. Dispensaries with good bud are an exception. Most of it is premature non-cured trash. And they don't give a shit because it sells regardless so who can blame them.
That is the case with most dispensaries in general. Dispensaries with good bud are an exception. Most of it is premature non-cured trash. And they don't give a shit because it sells regardless so who can blame them.
I'm open to suggestion. Durango isn't that far away from where we're staying. Know any good ones there?
That is the case with most dispensaries in general. Dispensaries with good bud are an exception. Most of it is premature non-cured trash. And they don't give a shit because it sells regardless so who can blame them.
i agree wit ya bruh! i see alot of dispensary weed on the street. and yah it may look ok and have a cool maybe a popular name but most of it is harsh C rate weed. i sold weed for a long time before moving to this great state and saw much better weed. just saying. find a caregiver op! or a black market weed man/woman. i saw some flowers today at a friends house and he said when i looked at the sack that it wasnt D weed.....and i told him i knew that within 10 sec of lookin at the sack! homegrown is where its at! Peace.
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I live in Cortez and shop at Durango Organics mostly. I grow my own i just use the store for edibles, hash oil, or cbd oil.
Hopefully.... one day.... people will look at grocery stores the same way and realize the "food" they call "food" at the grocery store is early picked, unripe, lacking flavor, and total bullshit. No different than your typical cannabis dispensary.
