Man thread!!


Well-Known Member
I think the point is there have been numerous threads where guys have desecrated the space with irreverent comments about women and dick waving, and this is intended to be a taste of what it feels like for the (sexually attractive bunch may i add) minority on this forum.

But this is manhaven where dickwaving is allowed. I'm sure that point has been made now. I'm leaving it alone for you guys to play <3

You coming, Rainbow? x *whistles upon exit*


Well-Known Member
It is the point (meant in a playful gesture only). Every time we girls start to discuss something in a thread where we should be allowed, some guy marches in throwing his dick around and getting under our skin on purpose. I was returning the favor, BUT meant no ill intent by it. I enjoy bantering with the menfolk is all. I leave you to your...whatever the hell it is you people do.

GrassCity Sucks

Active Member
God what a cheap, cheesy pose.

"Say hello to Ebony! Another of our brightest new whores from the University of Prostitution! Give her a hand people!" ..

Give her another 10 years, and her arse will be the size of a truck dood, I guarantee it. bluh! Nice face though, for a prostitute.

GrassCity Sucks

Active Member

See, now photo shoots like that actually don't do a whole lot for me. I don't know why, maybe it's the 'nothing to the imagination' thing, but I've always prefered a beautiful girl in an over-sized, loosely fitting knitted top or angora sweater or something, than some chick who's almost naked and SLIMY with oil.

Maybe it's just my fussy Virgo nature *shrug* :)


Ursus marijanus
See, now photo shoots like that actually don't do a whole lot for me. I don't know why, maybe it's the 'nothing to the imagination' thing, but I've always prefered a beautiful girl in an over-sized, loosely fitting knitted top or angora sweater or something, than some chick who's almost naked and SLIMY with oil.

Maybe it's just my fussy Virgo nature *shrug* :)
That reminds me of the "Happy Days" episode where Potsie went to a men's club. "Imagine how good those would look in a sweater!". My kind a guy. cn


Well-Known Member
You guys are right shed look better in a snowmobile suit!WTF.I get your drift tho sweater and a pair of tight jeans?

GrassCity Sucks

Active Member
You guys are right shed look better in a snowmobile suit!WTF.I get your drift tho sweater and a pair of tight jeans?
Yeah :)

Angora sweater, stretched neckhole, collar-bones showing, tight jeans are alright, but I'd probably be too transfixed by the fine hair on the nape of her neck, and collar-bones to look at the jeans. Ideally, underwear would be my first choice for the lower half: Since the stretched sweater would cover her ass anyway :)

But some skank shoving her junk in a camera just can't come close to being as sexy as MODESTY :)

When a woman KNOWS she's gorgeous, and doesn't feel the need to get almost naked attract attention from men: THAT's sexy ;)


Well-Known Member
This was my "Man Car" for 5 glorious years. 427 Shelby Cobra. I wish I could have kept her

Sexiest ass on the street. That's the sight others got of her!


Allways loved the Shelby Cobra 1 of my dream cars.