Man Flees Naked From Home After Finding Spider In Bed

Winter Woman

Well-Known Member
Carne, It made me think of you. lol.

— A southern Illinois man awakened to find a spider in his bed and bolted in fear, fleeing naked through a glass door.

The police in Albion, Ill., say the 20-year-old man was sleeping in the buff when he spotted the spider Tuesday morning and took off from his home in the 2,000-resident town in Edwards County.
Sheriff Darby Boewe says the disoriented man apparently ran through a glass storm door to escape, cutting his arms, legs and a finger.

He was treated at a hospital.
Authorities fielded numerous reports of a bloody streaker and later found the man back at his home, where he’d donned some shorts.
It isn’t clear what kind of spider he encountered.
The sheriff doesn’t suspect drugs or alcohol were involved.


Ursus marijanus
Just today i was reading in bed. I picked up a brown crumb, a possible leftover from last midnight's munchie debauch. I dropped it, and the poor dear tried to unfold and run on its five remaining legs. I mercykilled it at once, but my prime emotion wasn't eewww, but sorry! cn


Well-Known Member
my prime emotion woulda been somewhere around HOLY SHIT THATS NOT A CRUMB!! and i would proceed to freak out a bit...if its a slow one not as bad those speedy fuckers creep me out!


Well-Known Member
I would do the same, I do not care.. If I feel or see a spider of any size on me, I will discard the clothing nearest to it & begin to flail about randomly in hopes to dislodge its 8 legs from me. After the panic, I never know where it has gone & am on alert for 24 hours.


Well-Known Member
City people... Dissociation from nature right there mate!

I was fascinated with spiders when I was young. I`d not pick up any one bigger than 3 inches legspan and I never got bit. I used to catch flies and feed the webs about 10 a day they could hardly eat em, I was still ready to deliver 10 more and a blue bottle though :dunce:


Well-Known Member
Carne, It made me think of you. lol.

— A southern Illinois man awakened to find a spider in his bed and bolted in fear, fleeing naked through a glass door.

The police in Albion, Ill., say the 20-year-old man was sleeping in the buff when he spotted the spider Tuesday morning and took off from his home in the 2,000-resident town in Edwards County.
Sheriff Darby Boewe says the disoriented man apparently ran through a glass storm door to escape, cutting his arms, legs and a finger.

He was treated at a hospital.
Authorities fielded numerous reports of a bloody streaker and later found the man back at his home, where he’d donned some shorts.
It isn’t clear what kind of spider he encountered.
The sheriff doesn’t suspect drugs or alcohol were involved.
Yeah and I once woke up naked with a hard-on ... I stuck it up my girlfriends butt.

Winter Woman

Well-Known Member
Just today i was reading in bed. I picked up a brown crumb, a possible leftover from last midnight's munchie debauch. I dropped it, and the poor dear tried to unfold and run on its five remaining legs. I mercykilled it at once, but my prime emotion wasn't eewww, but sorry! cn
Spotting a spider at 50 paces is my specialty. The other day a little mutha tried to creep and then scurry across the floor. I flung my day planner, I know old tech-so sue me, at it and nailed that sucker like I was practicing the Hammer Toss for the Olympics.

I thought, 'Got you, you little bastard". End of story.

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
Just today i was reading in bed. I picked up a brown crumb, a possible leftover from last midnight's munchie debauch. I dropped it, and the poor dear tried to unfold and run on its five remaining legs. I mercykilled it at once, but my prime emotion wasn't eewww, but sorry! cn
Trapped between the bridge of my nose and my sunglasses. I saw it as I was donning my glasses but it didn't really register. I guess I unconsciously assumed it was one of the pads that rest on the bridge of your nose. That's where it was hanging for dear life. Nothing feels more disgusting than having eight legs struggling against the bridge of your nose. I had to replace the glasses. They were in several small pieces.

so was the spider....

Winter Woman

Well-Known Member
I would do the same, I do not care.. If I feel or see a spider of any size on me, I will discard the clothing nearest to it & begin to flail about randomly in hopes to dislodge its 8 legs from me. After the panic, I never know where it has gone & am on alert for 24 hours.
When we had a hot tub I hung my bathing suit out to dry on a hook outside one night. The next morning I grabbed my suit and put it on. It had some frills on the chest and a spider was beginning to make a nest in it. I looked down at my chest and I could see this spider moving around in its web.

I screamed and stripped off the suit right there. There I was standing in the buff. The only problem was my neighbor and his sons were in their back yard. Let's say just they had a good show.


Well-Known Member
I am more a freeze and start rocking and keenly whining kind of girl..something between a beep and a whistle...anyway, I can't imagine running naked anywhere for any reason...I would definitely hop out of bed is a spider, not an anaconda...I mean take 4 steps and you outrun them...they are pretty small...