
There are still so many strains of hers that I have seen on the menu but have not had the chance to orde
Yes, I'm probably going to order whatever ones are offered next month that I don't have...I see another addiction coming on...I have very few vices really, but seeds, and now clones...pretty bad
hahahahaha I was thinking the same thing in my head. I check the inventory everyday on their website.
That is the reason I thought of. But do they not do the same with seed orders?

Cheers :)

Yes, they do. That's why I won't mail to Canada, and it's a shame. If you put enough protection in so the seeds make the journey, it has to be sent as a parcel, and they want a customs form and ID.

I actually went to a post office Monday with a legit package destined for a Canadian friend because I wanted to be sure that they still mandated a customs form and ID. [shameless plug alert]. I have a big contest / giveaway coming up at the other place, and hate to exclude Canucks, but there's no way I'll pull out an ID to mail a package of seeds. Not in these parts..

download (1).png
get some corregated plastic,cut a bit smaller than the envelope.stuff a hole,fill with seeds,stuff a piece of paper towel down tothe seeds,repeat,,,then wrap the plastic in 2 sheets of paper,put in envelope....send as a letter
Yes, they do. That's why I won't mail to Canada, and it's a shame. If you put enough protection in so the seeds make the journey, it has to be sent as a parcel, and they want a customs form and ID.

I actually went to a post office Monday with a legit package destined for a Canadian friend because I wanted to be sure that they still mandated a customs form and ID. [shameless plug alert]. I have a big contest / giveaway coming up at the other place, and hate to exclude Canucks, but there's no way I'll pull out an ID to mail a package of seeds. Not in these parts..

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Man, I did the same thing, and Im lookin at my copy right now, and its a legit addy, legit name, not mine, and they didn't check id, but I did pay with card, prolly the one mistake I made. I even got nervous at first, and declared it something its not, flash cards, baseball cards something, lol, and went with it. I'll know if it gets there in prolly a week. Its basically a square kids toy, so Im a tad nervous, some xray, is gonna be like, hey, that's not baseball cards, lol. Gotta learn, I prolly would't do it again:bigjoint:
Can't be done w/ sealed breeder's packs. And even if it could, the consequences of losing that lottery are life destroying.
Agreed. It's an awful lot to ask. I hope things eventually change but until then people shouldn't do anything that they aren't comfortable with, especially considering the consequence.
Nothing but love and respect for you guys in the US of A and those sending north is a blessing.
Some nice looking clones there @smokadepep.Persuadingly swaying.I signed up on Strainly when they first started advertising here.Creeped me out at first,the site navigation was a deal breaker for Has it gotten any navigation that is?
Agreed. It's an awful lot to ask. I hope things eventually change but until then people shouldn't do anything that they aren't comfortable with, especially considering the consequence.
Nothing but love and respect for you guys in the US of A and those sending north is a blessing.
i absolutely agree,if you are not comfortable,dont do it

thats one good thing about canada,we dont really have to worry about sending or receiving seeds,even cuttings
Some nice looking clones there @smokadepep.Persuadingly swaying.I signed up on Strainly when they first started advertising here.Creeped me out at first,the site navigation was a deal breaker for Has it gotten any navigation that is?
they have to ok ads you list now, so that's good, that has weeded out some shadies. But now you got to genetics, then pick under that, it does seem a tad easier to navigate now, a lil bit.
Some nice looking clones there @smokadepep.Persuadingly swaying.I signed up on Strainly when they first started advertising here.Creeped me out at first,the site navigation was a deal breaker for Has it gotten any navigation that is?
I am fairly new to Strainly so I do not know the old layout. Was very simple to navigate. Mamafunk also has a website which you can see what their current inventory is. Most of my communications have been through Strainly messaging.
they came from seeds.
you canadian boyz cant put in work?
Why would we have to? Every cut that's available down in the US is already up here as well.
You just gotta find connections like always, not as easy as strainly offering so openly.

I also may or may not have heard someone in Canada who ended up with stuff from another large clone seller in the US on strainly. There name rhymes with Strainly something winning drones. Hint Hint.
Why would we have to? Every cut that's available down in the US is already up here as well.
You just gotta find connections like always, not as easy as strainly offering so openly.

I also may or may not have heard someone in Canada who ended up with stuff from another large clone seller in the US on strainly. There name rhymes with Strainly something winning drones. Hint Hint.
where are these cuts in canada?
I'll make it known that I cant post my sources as they wouldn't take to kindly to random strangers hitting them up for their prized cuts. It's the same way it's always been that you have to know someone and they want something you have as well. If they were a legit business that was open to public like mamafunk then by all means.

I dont want to derail this any further.
Ps 200$ shipping is average for something going across the border that ain't seeds.