Malted Barley

Midwest Weedist

Well-Known Member
Alright Barley users, I know you're out there. What are your methods and preferences when it comes to using Barley in the garden?

I just started using it this last run. I follow Coots/MountainOrganics advise of topdressing it after powdering\milling it, every two weeks. I use Briess Organic two row. Though I've never understood the difference between two row, six row, etc.

I'm set on using Barley as a staple from now on. It makes the ladies pray
The enzymes (Amalyese?) are specifically what I'm after. Malted barley is essentially barley sprouted at the perfect time for peak enzyme production, then halted, and packaged for use.

How often do you use your barley sst?
Once every week or once every 10 days, I also grind them up and put them into my soil mix and also just pour the extra crushed up ones on the top of my soil, kinda like a wet top dressing.
Oh yea, I also like using fulvic acid, makes the plants eat a lot. I put the ful-power in my SST sometimes.

Fulvic acid is amazing.
One day I decided to put some in with a kelp/alfalfa tea to see if their was a difference and it was quite substantial tbh..

Now I use it a lot more. I don't go overboard, I actually use smaller amounts more often so it evens out.
Fulvic acid is amazing.
One day I decided to put some in with a kelp/alfalfa tea to see if their was a difference and it was quite substantial tbh..

Now I use it a lot more. I don't go overboard, I actually use smaller amounts more often so it evens out.
Yeah it works great for clones and seeds too, makes them root faster and grow quicker.
Alright Barley users, I know you're out there. What are your methods and preferences when it comes to using Barley in the garden?

I just started using it this last run. I follow Coots/MountainOrganics advise of topdressing it after powdering\milling it, every two weeks. I use Briess Organic two row. Though I've never understood the difference between two row, six row, etc.

I'm set on using Barley as a staple from now on. It makes the ladies pray
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Would pearl barley do the same benifit as malted barley?
Would pearl barley do the same benifit as malted barley?
No, the malting process creates the enzymes that is what we are going for when we add this stuff to our media. Another option is to make an SST with unhulled barley-so to do that, you get whole unhulled barley for sprouting-then follow instructions online to sprout it. Once you've got barley sprouts, you blend up some in a blender with a little water, then dump that in the next time you feed/water. I don't think pearled barley will sprout. People started using malted barley instead of sprouted barley because it's less work. You just get some 6 row malted barley and grind it up fine in a coffee grinder and then topdress the soil with it.
No, the malting process creates the enzymes that is what we are going for when we add this stuff to our media. Another option is to make an SST with unhulled barley-so to do that, you get whole unhulled barley for sprouting-then follow instructions online to sprout it. Once you've got barley sprouts, you blend up some in a blender with a little water, then dump that in the next time you feed/water. I don't think pearled barley will sprout. People started using malted barley instead of sprouted barley because it's less work. You just get some 6 row malted barley and grind it up fine in a coffee grinder and then topdress the soil with it.
any beer brewing store will grind it anyway u want , i use the palest malt , cheapest too, thinking - there less heat damage to the germ with the pale malts
No, the malting process creates the enzymes that is what we are going for when we add this stuff to our media. Another option is to make an SST with unhulled barley-so to do that, you get whole unhulled barley for sprouting-then follow instructions online to sprout it. Once you've got barley sprouts, you blend up some in a blender with a little water, then dump that in the next time you feed/water. I don't think pearled barley will sprout. People started using malted barley instead of sprouted barley because it's less work. You just get some 6 row malted barley and grind it up fine in a coffee grinder and then topdress the soil with it.
I know 6 row has more enzymes, but I read somewhere that people usually use the 2 row, and that's it's better for some reason. I forgot though.

Either way, it shouldn't matter too much. I have both from brewing. I've heard people use the dry malt extract powder too. I'm guessing the powder probably kick starts the microbes with the sugar it has. Both contain enzymes, but the whole grains might have more enzymes.

I'm gonna experiment sometime. I've got the DME too, but haven't ever added it. I bet a tsp per gal once a week would probably make them happy. I need to do more research.
I use it every five days. I follow Coots recipe for tea. Malted barley, a bit of kelp meal, coconut water, Ful Power, aloe. Make sure to grind it just before you use it. I order mine from a place in Minnesota on Amazon. I use 6 row barley per Coots recommendation, but two row is also good. Good luck!