Males: genetically pre-determined or environmentally effected or both?


Active Member
Is a male plant gonna be a male no matter what from seed, or can the way you treat a plant make it become male, or is it both? Same goes for hermis, are they born hermis or can you turn them hermi. I've seen alot of discussions about this but never any definitive answers. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Some people will say better environmental factors will produce more females but I personally believe it doesnt matter and that its pre-determined. As far as the marijuana gods are concerned the world needs both male and female plants.

Hermies can be from genetics or from environmental factors or both.


Active Member
In the book "medical marijuanas grow bible" (i think thats the name) by george cervantes, he talks about how u can influence a plants sex. By the way if u dont own this book it is by far my favorite peice of literature on growing.
Any way basically he says u can influence sex after three sets of true leaves are formed. The deciding factors have to do with nutrients, heat, humidity, water, stress. The more stress the more likley males will form. more nitrogen more females, cooler temps more females, more water more females, higher humidity more females. Dont rely all on what i wrote here go get the book u wont regret it.


Active Member
I'll have to pick up that book. I'd still like to get more input tho. There's alot of opinions out there, I'd like some facts. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
its the nature vrs nuture argument both factor in upper right hand thing by the post its right by the report this post button


Active Member
wait, what? I don't see anything that looks like a scale, the colored bars? Mebbe I'm using the wrong skin or I haven't posted enough?