

Active Member
so, ive been confirmed by a few ppl that i have 2 females. i am not so convinced. i know i have one female because she has pistils that r pretty long, its day 8-9 of flower. now my big plant, the one that i started under an mh not under my cfl's. has not show pistils. it just looks like the female did preflower and im not sure thats good. i dont have great pics from today, but in my journal i have pics from day 5ish of flower. i also have pics from yesterday i think of my definite female. if anyone could help me out a little thatd be nice, ill try to get pics later on.


Active Member
I can't see anything in them pics other than yes its a pot plant .If u find little clusters of balls than its a male . If u find a clear looking hair coming out of a small sack than its a female.. Do some research before u start asking questions please


Active Member
I can't see anything in them pics other than yes its a pot plant .If u find little clusters of balls than its a male . If u find a clear looking hair coming out of a small sack than its a female.. Do some research before u start asking questions please
lol snippy mister. i know how to tell female from male, i was getting 2nd opinions. no need for passive aggressive comments lol


Active Member
Actually i have been researching this issue (Male or female) and the info is not that easy to come by. thanks for a clearer explanation than i've ever found before, but where am i looking for these clusters and the clear-looking hair? Are there any pix? either yours or a reference i could consult? thanks for any assistance.


Active Member
Actually i have been researching this issue (Male or female) and the info is not that easy to come by. thanks for a clearer explanation than i've ever found before, but where am i looking for these clusters and the clear-looking hair? Are there any pix? either yours or a reference i could consult? thanks for any assistance.
Please understand I am not trying to be an asshole I am just curious you have been a member for 4 years and have not seen any pics of plant sexing? Again, I am sorry but you certainly need more research.