

Active Member
So I'm like 99% sure but I just wanted to make sure this is a male:

And just to clarify that this one is female:



Active Member
first one, no question, it's a MALE, get rid of it! unless you want the pollen, but I digress, second one, not 100% but looks female to me.


Well-Known Member
first is a male one for sure, darkchild is right on that one for sure, and the sec is maybe a girl in damn early preflower, so you can't really tell by the pics so far for sure.

if i would be in your spot, i would shop off the top of that male and put it into a styro cup with a hole in the bottom just big enough for the stem to fit. that cub i would place into a water glass so the stem gets fed. search for a post videoman40 made a few month back, showed this practise really nicely;)


Active Member
OK, thx for the input. I took that male out of the grow room b4 I posted this thread I'll proly destroy tomorrow. hope the other one is fem, but if its not ill be able to start my WW early so either way im happy.