I just switched to flower 7 days ago and now I think I’m seeing the pollen sacs. Am I correct in identifying this as a male??
Bet so what do you do with it?? I’ve seen people say they’ve gotten rid of em??.. Like literally thrown em out?? I have a hard time wrapping my mind around doin that but if that’s custom, then I’ll be iightYes you are Correct.. Male Plant for sure.
You can let it grow if you want to, But it may just be faster to start some new seeds or buy a strain you know it female. But if you want to keep it for awhile you can, but i believe it may be time consuming for you and heart breaking. I've been in your shoe's but the best thing is just suck it up and start again. I certainly wish you the best next time.
Good luck Try again and by the looks of what your doing you should come out just fine when you get some females to grow. Healthy looking for sure.
you can extract.. and make hash
Yea, run thru the bloom stage. But only if you have the room to keep it complete the cycle (in a different room) and make the hash when it’s finished??