Male? with pictures


Well-Known Member

It appears these are both male plants. Don't want to be premature. If you know speak please.

thank you


Active Member
2nd one is without a doubt male. 1st one could be hermie or even female. Wait a little longer on the 1st one to see if you get bananas. Toss that 2nd fucker out or start breeding!


Well-Known Member
I bought 3 void and 3 jilly bean from attitude. 2 void did not germinate, 1 JB did not germinate. The only void left is male and one of the two JB left is male. I got 1 viable female plant (hopefully it really is JB). It will be my last order from attitude. It was my second order, there where problems but the where all with the freebies. 2 did not germinate 1 was male and was suppose to be a feminized seed, oh and 2 germinated female. I haven't tried any of the freebies with this order because I had a full room with all of the TGA genetics I was start.
I will not order from TGA and the last mix-n-match I buy from any where.

Thanks for all of your help.