Male vs. Female

I currently have 11 plants and they are just starting to show signs of sex. I know i have one male plant but all the others have 2 tiny little "stems" on the 4th branch up this is my first grow and just looking for any for sure signs i have females? Also do i just get rid of my males like pull them out of the dirt and throw them out?


Well-Known Member
without pictures this thread is useless, oh and dont just pull the males out the dirt, get them outta the grow room dont want them leaving any pollen behind
sorry the pics are kinda bad lol but this is my first time learning the sex of my plants and dont wanna start pulling the wrong plants


Well-Known Member
I didn' see any signs of sex in the pics wait a little longer you will have time to get the males out it's not like as soon as it shows its a male all your females are pollinated the pollin sacs have to mature and open and drop pollin so just wait a little longer it will be easier to tell when they mature more