Male pollen in the same room with just flipped 12/12 flowering plant.

Missouri Green

Active Member
so my problem is this.... never bred before... got 2 cabs in basement.. one cab has 5 bansai for breeding , one male and 4 females. my other cab has one single female for hopefully unseeded bud and is 12 days behind the other 5. the male is popping some pods and i've got a fan spreading pollen inside the cab.. vent fans are week but existant.. i've tried to filter the flow but its not good. my other cab has a well secured cheap air filter that claims to capture pollen 1 . .. anyway i flipped the main plant 3-4 days ago...when do i really need to start to worry about my main plant and pollen in the area. cabs are about 12 ft appart. I'm hoping i can leave the male for say another week... then collect pollen and kill it. ? I might get a couple seeds on the main female but all the better i guess. the plant should be mostly seedless if exposed to pollen in the first week or two after flip? we good?
Lol you're definitely playing with fire. Are the cabinets right next to each other? If so I'd bet that main plant will get thoroughly seeded out.
Twice I've had hermie situations in tents in the same room. The tents only have standard charcoal exhaust filters and fans. No other filtering. In both cases only the tents that hermie'd got pollinated the others were not. Maybe I was just lucky, but I don't think so. I think the odor filter caught the pollen. Had to cuz each time they were full of seeds.
Lol you're definitely playing with fire. Are the cabinets right next to each other? If so I'd bet that main plant will get thoroughly seeded out.
but but i just fliped it 4 days back... and i intend to finish with the male in 6 days... so the main plant will be on day 10 of flower... ah freaking timing and stuff!!! well i just hope my banzai's are pollinated enough at this point.. and i wanted to save pollen.. gosh!!! and i did want some seeds off this main plant too... gee wizz. here they are currently. the cabs are not next to each other but like i said 12 ft apart. only had a couple flowers burst.. starting last two days
greenpoint seeds hybrids with a white widow male.

main plant, white rhino just taking off and yes pretty heavy defoliation last night..
Twice I've had hermie situations in tents in the same room. The tents only have standard charcoal exhaust filters and fans. No other filtering. In both cases only the tents that hermie'd got pollinated the others were not. Maybe I was just lucky, but I don't think so. I think the odor filter caught the pollen. Had to cuz each time they were full of seeds.
ok yeah.... i'm running a carbon bed over two computer fans in the chamber with the male now... i think i will be ok but.. i guess i tend to learn the hard way ... here we go..
ok yeah.... i'm running a carbon bed over two computer fans in the chamber with the male now... i think i will be ok but.. i guess i tend to learn the hard way ... here we go..
maybe gunna move the male under my moms in a 3rd tent... and close all bottom intakes and only vent across the top of the moms... should keep the pollen under controll i hope. live and learn ..
If you've got a charcoal filter in there with a pre filter I think that will work. My tents were right next to each other both blowing out the top. My bottom ports were slightly open . No pollen made into the other tent. Twice.
That experience led me to believe that the isolation is one advantage to tent growing on a small scale rather than having a dedicated flower room. I don't have the time to search for nards. Also I scrog so I can't take them out. Anyway I swore the other tents would have seeds too but I was pleasantly surprised.
That experience led me to believe that the isolation is one advantage to tent growing on a small scale rather than having a dedicated flower room. I don't have the time to search for nards. Also I scrog so I can't take them out. Anyway I swore the other tents would have seeds too but I was pleasantly surprised.
I think isolation is def an advantige... so are filters... if only for mites... and clean hands if you grow other stuff outdoors... I'll be fine.. the plant is on day 4 it has pistils at the nodes = 1000-200 pistils right now... if i get 100 seeds at the base of my buds... all the better IMO...
I've been running a fast flowing sativa called Banana Dance by Freedom of Seeds for a couple yrs now. It was a single freebie seed from The Attitude. Its fun to grow. It's viney and bendy great to scrog. Takes abuse. Doesn't mold. Finishes in 7 weeks. Great smoke too. Thought about crossing it with something. Don't know what though. Maybe an auto would be cool..
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males put out a ton more pollen than a hermie usually.

I intentionally did a breeding project in one of my tents, then three weeks later flipped my other tent, I took the male away about 1 week into the second tents 12/12 cycle, no flowers were present yet but I do wait for plants to show sexual maturity so there were pistils, both tents were seeded. The one that didn't have the male in it was less than the other tent but still all plants in it was seeded. I made a hepa filter box to put on the exhaust fan output and do have a charcoal filter with prefilter.

none of the filters or what not make a difference as long as you still have to actually open the tent. Once you do that pollen is everywhere, you just can't see it. If you go to the second tent after and without washing yourself and changing clothes you will carry it to them. I don't know if there is an easy way to protect one tent while breeding in another without stagering flip dates significantly and cleaning the room before flipping the second tent

best of luck
Just shared my experience. Never tried breeding and definitely don't know it all. Maybe Hermie's produce way less but the entire tent was seeded and the other two were not. I reckon leaving a male in a tent is an ongoing thing where a hermie is one quick explosion.
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I'll be doing a controlled silver solution thing. Any recommendations on what to cross the Banana Dance with would be appreciated. Also wondering what each which plant genetically controls more as far as terps, plant structure etc. will the plant being sprayed carry more terp information for example. Or is it all just a roll of the dice?
Was thinking of crossing with another great sativa strain and maybe passing on the fast flowering thing. I might be doing a bad jumping this thread to get some answers sorry if so.