Male plant?


Well-Known Member
I was thinking the same thing..just wanted to get the males out ASAP I'll give it another 2 weeks


Active Member
If you check your plants everyday which for most smaller grows I'm sure you do you really do not have to worry about not finding a male plant it is going to show it's sex eventually and when it does you will clearly know male plants will just pop balls out fast as shit at least the ones I have found happened within 24 hrs one day they looked normal the next male plants. You do have time no need rush sexing them. Are you letting them mature or did you flip to flower? If you flipped to flower just keep checking on them daily. If you are letting them mature you really have nothing to worry about until the females start to flower as long as you keep a clean grow area. Just my opinion and you know what they say opinions are like assholes everyone's got one lol.


Well-Known Member
hermie i clearly think i see pistils as well as balls taking a pic under normal light would be much better


Well-Known Member
since i dont want my other fems to get baby gravy on them what can i do with the hermie? hash or edibles?

toaster struedel

Well-Known Member
How big is it? I don't see it being worth the trouble unless you let it finish, and then you run the risk of it messing up your girls.

Capt. Trips

Well-Known Member
I don't see any pistils there. That's straight up male. Get rid of it, unless you want it blowing its load all over your grow room and possibly fucking up current and future crops. Your call.