Male plant question

Im growing about 15+ plants atm outside.

Most are females- or what seems to be feminin- at this point.

But i realized that some had sacks and i took those plants out so they wouldnt fertalize my women.
But a couple of the sacs were already opened o.o

Is there any worry or anything i should look for as the male could of pollinated my females??


Well-Known Member
sorry man, if those sacks opened then your bitches are pollinated and your harvest will be full of seeds

check out this drawing i did last night; has to do with your situation

RIU logo.jpg
sorry man, if those sacks opened then your bitches are pollinated and your harvest will be full of seeds

check out this drawing i did last night; has to do with your situation

View attachment 768595
so ur telling me that i spent all this time. and now i wont get 1 piece of bud.
or will i get bud thats seedy?

e/ the sacs are also fairly new- like a day old- and outta all the male sacks like 1 was opened.

is EVERY single female pollinated??


Well-Known Member
most likely, yes all your ladies are pollinated. especially if there near by each other

you will get bud, forsure, but it will be full of seeds and probably not as potent as you were hoping for
most likely, yes all your ladies are pollinated. especially if there near by each other

you will get bud, forsure, but it will be full of seeds and probably not as potent as you were hoping for
hmm. well its a mix of indica and sativa.
so wasnt hoping for the potentest.
but seeds arent that bad. i get ppl looking for seeds all the time.. im just worried they wont bud- cause thats what ive heard when pollinated.

btw- they are spread across like a desk sized soil patch.

the open male was on one side of it, and some females are all the way across on the other side.
maybe theyre not pollinated?


Well-Known Member
maybe they are not, but id say they and any marijuana plants within a few miles are. wind can carry pollen a long way
maybe they are not, but id say they and any marijuana plants within a few miles are. wind can carry pollen a long way
Theyre only like not even a month old and i dont think the females could recieve pollen at that young...
but im no scientist :/

JoNny Pot sMokeR

Active Member
Chances of seeds could be slim to none. I had a similar issue last crop with one of my OD sites and i ended up with about 20 seeds on one plant and 4 or 5 on 12 others, Not to bad, but if it had gone a few hours longer i would have had a "noisy crop" if you know what i mean. As long as you didnt shake and stir the boys to bad while removing them you may have saved the ladies. Your quality should be what your wanting too. I mean really ive had some super erb that was super seedy so just remember timing next time.
Chances of seeds could be slim to none. I had a similar issue last crop with one of my OD sites and i ended up with about 20 seeds on one plant and 4 or 5 on 12 others, Not to bad, but if it had gone a few hours longer i would have had a "noisy crop" if you know what i mean. As long as you didnt shake and stir the boys to bad while removing them you may have saved the ladies. Your quality should be what your wanting too. I mean really ive had some super erb that was super seedy so just remember timing next time.
yeh thanks bro, as i forgot to state im a first time grower.

i hope theyre fine, dont remember fucking with the males that much so.
ill let u guys no.