male plant any suggestions


Active Member
i have a 4 ft male plant full of buds. any suggestions on what to do with it. it is my only plant and im not pulling it so if you have a useful suggestion on the following it would be appreciated

will it produce thc?
how can i make hash from it if it does have enough thc?
is there a forum, site,page anything explaining how to make hash?
should i just smoke it?
how do i tell when i should harvest since i see no little white hairs to turn red?
again thanks for your help

the widowman

Well-Known Member
make sure you keep it in the house or it might pollenate the neibourhood, iv'e smoked male flowers in a bong and i got a buzz but it was a strong indica, you wont get a buzz out a sativa


Active Member
you dont have to use a screen u can use a pillow case put it tight around a tray and tigh it then put the shake thru it


Well-Known Member
I would cut off a flower dry it and try it, see if it would help to mature longer.