male parts on 20-4 light cycle?


Well-Known Member
buddy of mine has what looks like male parts on plant that is on 20on 4off light cycle. started at 24/7, then changed to 20-4. bag seed but should be non-auto flowering, who knows. anyone else ever have sexing with this much light?
it depends on the age of the plant if you veg 8weeks plus you can normaly see preflowers on anystrain

buddy of mine has what looks like male parts on plant that is on 20on 4off light cycle. started at 24/7, then changed to 20-4. bag seed but should be non-auto flowering, who knows. anyone else ever have sexing with this much light?


Well-Known Member
thats not uncommon, when it is mature it will show sex, are you sure your seeing male pre-flowers?
pretty sure. very small but could see tiny little pods on stalks. stalk insinuates something big but this was very small. i certainly still have alot to learn but female pre-flowers in my limited experience usually look like tiny leaves, not a clearly defined pod.


Well-Known Member
yeah, sounds like, but dont kill it quite yet. switch to 12/12 and see how it goes, it will probally confirm its male but i like to be safe personally. does it look like this?

or this


Well-Known Member
thanx for interest guys. that top pic is closest to what this looks like. rest i def recognize as females. already pulled this one but he's averaging just under 50% females over the course of three grows so hopefully the rest average out;)