Male or Female?


Active Member
I have one plant a Jock Horror that has hairs at the top buds and oval type ball things lower down. Is This a Hermie?


Well-Known Member
Dude those pics are the best looking male pics I've seen... you should post them in faq. Don't feel bad I just chopped down 2 males of my own.


Well-Known Member
finally back off holiday and my ladies have gown to 6ft tall at this rate ill need a bigger green house lol.
How would i post them in the faq?


Active Member
get a spyglass and youll know the diff now sorry but had to laugh as i used to grow six feeters and smoke them but now had 35 yrs growing all ways i can tell a female in 3 to 4 weeks, keep at it youll love the day u c the 2 white hairs