Male or Female


Well-Known Member
see feminized seeds are not always 100% female !
Properly made feminized seeds are pretty much 99.9999999% female.

I cut down 4 of 7 tonight because of the same little f'ing balls on the plant 3 of the seeds never sprouted. All in all in a round about way I paid $16.66 per fem seed when I remove the males, and the ones that never sprouted. I paid $50.00 for ten seeds with shipping. Expensive little bastards now, lol

You either got regular seeds or you stressed the little plants so much they produced male flowers.
Properly made feminized seeds would not have 4 out of 7 go male.


Well-Known Member
Properly made feminized seeds are pretty much 99.9999999% female.

You either got regular seeds or you stressed the little plants so much they produced male flowers.
Properly made feminized seeds would not have 4 out of 7 go male.

I asked Nirvana about it, and got scolded at first because I germinated the seeds. HAHA
But much respect goes to them because they are sending me out 10 fem AK-48 seeds for free:clap:
I must say for a company working under the radar they are the nicest most honest company I have dealt with in a while.