Male or female?


So I've definitely got white flies around, I shake them off every day, and I think spider mites. But I think I may be under/over doing it on the nutes. Using Buddha Grow every other water and just started adding a tsp/tbsp of molasses to the Buddha. Can anyone see any signs of what I should do to deal with the issues in these snaps?



Active Member
Man that looks scary , looks like to me you have two problems ,bugs and nutes , i dont have a clue but i will keep checking back to see whats up or post an idea? Happy Farming <Cajun


Active Member
If you go to google and download Picasa there photo program it is free ,down load the picture to there then open it up and you can enlarge it to see it tha is how i do it Good luck


Well-Known Member
i would say stop with the nutes for a couple weeks and see if it gets better cuse every other day is a little much. Also neem oil spray sold at most gardeing stores does a goood job at removing spider mites/flies.