Male or Female?

I can't believe you made a male plant grow for that long lol

Regular seeds have a 50/50 chance of being female although you can adjust certain environmental factors to encourage female growth (less light, higher humidity, etc.). So when you get your 10 seeds you should germinate at least a couple because 5 out of 10 are probably going to be male. Feminized seeds are convenient, but I've heard they have a chance of becoming hermies, often in the last couple weeks. That would suck...


Active Member
I see it more as 50/25/25. 50% male which sucks. 25% hermie which sucks. 25% female which is amazing! Plant more seeds!!! grow everything


Active Member
Where do u get those numbers from? A plant wants its genes to continue and the way I see it, 1 male can pollinate many females which would mean it would have many more female seeds than male. I'm not sure or anything its just a theory I have. Over the last three years I have only grown bagseed but I I have only had 1 male and 11 females. This year I have 12 female that have shown preflowers still waiting on 8 to show. I'm going to call bullshit on the 50-50 and the 50-25-25. I may be wrong but can you post a link where you find these 50-50 and 50-25-25 numbers?


Well-Known Member
No, I ordered one of the site's 10 seed packs and it came with 5 more seeds of a different strain. I started with one of the 10 seeds and now I'm trying the other.

Why dont you start off with like 3 of each and that way your pretty much guaranteed a female.


Active Member
I'd let him mature and keep the pollen... never know when you wanna breed to make your own strain...

Cali chronic

Well-Known Member
Regular seeds have a 50/50 chance of being female although you can adjust certain environmental factors to encourage female growth (less light, higher humidity, etc.). So when you get your 10 seeds you should germinate at least a couple because 5 out of 10 are probably going to be male. Feminized seeds are convenient, but I've heard they have a chance of becoming hermies, often in the last couple weeks. That would suck...
you said a mouthful there.

Also it was your seeding conditions, Gender is decided when the 3rd real leaf is formed. At which time no stress is desired. Ph needs to be on temp needs to be no more then 85 and not more then 10 degree swing. Etc, Now you know why it costs so much to have it dried and delivered. Check out a book called Medical Growers Bible.


Well-Known Member
I'd let him mature and keep the pollen... never know when you wanna breed to make your own strain...

Thats the way to do it. I found out this one was male as soon as it had 6 nodes. I had a whole bunch of seedling under 24 hrs of 200W metal halide and this one started to flower. This was the first time I have grown one of these seeds (Danish passion x guerilla gold)...... I am going to assume its autolfower since thats what it did. But long story short I grew him outside and just the other day harvested the pollen to start my own autoflower strain.... hopefully (Sensi Star x (Danish p x guerilla gold)) and (Aurora x (Danish p x guerilla gold))
So think about it....... if its genetics are worth it, you might want to keep it alive.



Well-Known Member
Another point-----> if you like making hash you might be enticed by the trichs you can clearly see on the leaves of that male. == So it's not a complete loss


Well-Known Member
you said a mouthful there.

Also it was your seeding conditions, Gender is decided when the 3rd real leaf is formed. At which time no stress is desired. Ph needs to be on temp needs to be no more then 85 and not more then 10 degree swing. Etc, Now you know why it costs so much to have it dried and delivered. Check out a book called Medical Growers Bible.
Environment has noting to do with gender determination. Period. The only thing that environment can play a factor in is causing a hermi. there are no trick tips or secrets to make a seed a female. Sure you can optimize the environment in your area to get great results. It will not impact the sex, that is determined at fertilization. Its just like a child they can be either or but there sex is determined by the father as well as at fertilization of the egg. Even though the sex of a child is determined so soon you still cant tell till the 4th or 5th month. Just like our plants you have to wait for the preflowers and correct node height to see sex. It shows at the 5th and above nodes I have the above mentioned book and even it says that there is nothing you can do to get a female for sure. Not even all feminized seeds are guaranteed to be female. But this is the gamble you play when you buy reg seeds rather than fems


Active Member
simple m8 buy feminised seeds ur cant moan and complain cos you have males thats the risk you take when buying standard seeds good luck on ur next grow


Male for sure- the little clumps are the give away
Female has a single fig shaped pod with two small white hairs coming out.
UNless you plan to retain pollen and pollinate a female for seeds - say good bye and let them go.

It's hard I know - been there.


Seeds: As said, you are not guaranteed a female even with feminized seeds.
I have started to growing 3 or 4 of a strain at one time, thus massively increasing the odds of a female.
If I remember my statistics, with 4 seeds there are 5 possible outcomes with 4 seeds:
1. 4 Males
2. 4 Females
3. 1 Female, 3 males
4. 2 Females, 2 Males
5. 3 Females and 1 male

So, there are 4 outcomes with at least one female. So, with 4 seeds you have a 4 out of 5 chance at least one plant will be female.

When I started ( And I'm still a noob, even though I have gotten a few plants to flower) I was using one seed per strain, thus chance was 50:50 and of 8 plants started, only 2 were female.
Environment has noting to do with gender determination. Period. The only thing that environment can play a factor in is causing a hermi. there are no trick tips or secrets to make a seed a female. Sure you can optimize the environment in your area to get great results. It will not impact the sex, that is determined at fertilization. Its just like a child they can be either or but there sex is determined by the father as well as at fertilization of the egg. Even though the sex of a child is determined so soon you still cant tell till the 4th or 5th month. Just like our plants you have to wait for the preflowers and correct node height to see sex. It shows at the 5th and above nodes I have the above mentioned book and even it says that there is nothing you can do to get a female for sure. Not even all feminized seeds are guaranteed to be female. But this is the gamble you play when you buy reg seeds rather than fems
You mentioned being able to tell that a plant was male before even starting the flower cycle. How can you determine this? What is a node on a plant and what characteristics does a male plant show during growth?


You mentioned being able to tell that a plant was male before even starting the flower cycle. How can you determine this? What is a node on a plant and what characteristics does a male plant show during growth?
Around week 5-6 you will see the beginning of pre-flowering signs. Look for posts on pre-flowering and go from there.


Well-Known Member
You mentioned being able to tell that a plant was male before even starting the flower cycle. How can you determine this? What is a node on a plant and what characteristics does a male plant show during growth?
During my experience of growing i have been able to identify the sex organs a little early. I am 5 for 5 on this and it was never a miss. On my first few attempts i allowed the males to grow a little to be sure and notice the traits and characteristics of a plant before, during and after sex signs show. Most of the time it shows above the 4th node, however i have seen them lower since i have been growing autos, and thats a whole nother ball of wax.

Any how here are a few pics of both male and female plants before they show the real sex signs.

Most females Have a tear drop shaped flower and the males are more like little balls. In these pics you will see the difference. Also females tend to be closer to the actual point in where the Fan leaf and new shoot intersect. males tend to start a little higher on the new shoot.

First three are females before the pistils and the other 4 are males starting



Well-Known Member
Around week 5-6 you will see the beginning of pre-flowering signs. Look for posts on pre-flowering and go from there.
This may not always be the case. This part depends on you to be honest. If growing right you will see preflowers as early as three weeks into the veg cycle. Some times later. If you are 12/12 see its gonna be a while before you see them as you have skipped a cycle in the plants normal life span