Male or Female.


What is the easiest way to tell if your plants are male or female? Can this be done before the flowering stage? Is there any crucial details to pay attention to? I appreciate any feedback.

Thanks everyone. Keep toking!


Oh, and if they are male plants is there any use for them? I mean i have heard of cutting off the flowers so they cannot pollinate my female plants but can they be used for hash or tea or smoking?


Well-Known Member
usually you have to wait until flowering. There are some details that hint towards sex . For example usually males grow faster than females. Only USUALLY tho. The plants flowers are the plants sexual organs. Just like a person you can't tell what sex they are without looking at there sexual organs.


Well-Known Member
i've heard of some people makeing butter out of them but you cna't just mix it cause the thc level is soo low. You have to extract the thc into the butter


Well-Known Member
When a plant reaches maturity you will be able to pre sex them. Look around the 6 or 7th node and you will see the sex. The male has a tiny stem with a head and the female will have a upside down spade with pistils showing.
Males are good for......Nothing.


Well-Known Member
just google male pot plants in images and then google female pot plants. You'll be able to tell the difference
Plants will show sex in veg when they are mature or you can force flower by putting them under 12/12 lighting to determine sex.But you are outdoors and your plants are veggin so to tell the sex look between each node females have 2 white pistils coming out and males will have pods lookin like grapes forming.


im so sad now, i have 4 plants and that means that statistically speaking i have about 2 "good plants." Most of the seeds were bag seed is there any chance that bagseed is more likely to be female seeds?


Well-Known Member
these statistics are just statistics. It doesn't mean that you only have half male and half female. sometimes people get lucky and they are all female or some get unlucky and they are all male. You never know until you sex them. Maybe you'll be lucky or maybe not. Maybe you'll be half lucky. maybe you'll get one male maybe you'll get 3 males. Its really very unpredictable. Stats are just Stats.


do you think 2-3 ounces a female plant is a good estimate with an outdoor grow using good potting soil, bone meal, and blood meal as fert / feed. I will also be using some molasses or cane sugar during veg stage... btw what is the veg stage what does the plant look like in it?
Outdoor grows you can yeild a pound a plant so I woundt say 2-3 oz off each plant ius good.the veg stage is the stage when your plant is under the light for 16 hours or more.It will grow tall and green while when flowering it will receive 12 hours of light and produce buds