male or female????PICS!!!

[email protected]

Well-Known Member
you post a thread ask for suggestions that is what you get. i look at you pics and give MY oppinion. i am not going to read the whole thread. just give my oppinion. :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member i can now say its a girl for sures..
here are some pics..check them out
this one has a grasshoper on it..afterwards i went to scare it off..

good thing i can see them from my window

its about 40 inches tall right now

bagseed..hopefully its a good one


Well-Known Member
its looking beautiful.eventhough its startin to strech but that is completly natural bc its budding and it looks like it will give u at least half lb


Well-Known Member
its looking beautiful.eventhough its startin to strech but that is completly natural bc its budding and it looks like it will give u at least half lb the stretching is alright..i was wondering about that..
half lb..i was hoping on maybe producing an ounce or two