male or female or to soon to tell?


Active Member
male or female or to soon to tell? Mazar plant someone help. btw its hard as hell to get closeup pics with a digital camera. any help appreciated. also is there a way to move or delete whole posts?



Active Member
I was maybe wrong... so i edited..
Looks like they could be small little balls growing :(

Good luck with it, post pics as it gets older if you keep it :)


Active Member
I started flowing with light 12/12 about a week ago. Does not look to much like a ball its more elongated. Hard to tell in the pics though. Im still def gonna wait but wanted opinions.


Well-Known Member
Those are not white hairs, wait another few days and you will see.... it will be male.


Active Member
Yaya, true it looks like it might be a male like a really small ball beside the thing sticking out but im still confident its a female.


Well-Known Member
that "really small ball" will grow, wait a week and it will be a lot more obvious....


Active Member
Thats for the +rep, but im gonna switch sides now and say its probally a male too :(
wait it out thought.
+ How many plants do you have?


Active Member
well you might wanna keep that and then...impregnate .. a female and get a bunch of seeds for whenever you need them...
+ you could take clones off the female ur going to impregnate so that u got more plants...


Active Member
well you might wanna keep that and then...impregnate .. a female and get a bunch of seeds for whenever you need them...
+ you could take clones off the female ur going to impregnate so that u got more plants...
How does one do that btw? and look more pics just in case! still cant get that camera straight. How does n e one get HQ pics close up?


Active Member
Oh and this is unrelated but watch/listen to this video...

Its to sick i had to share it with you guys.
