Male or female? newbie here! friend's plant


Active Member
Well my friend just added a 650 RED led stop light to his closet for the baby. Was wondering if this is a male or female..? He's concerned because it didn't show much near the stalk of the plant but every picture we looked at showed the gender towards the connection of the branches to the stalk. Thanks



Active Member
The white hairs tell you that it is a female but, males after a few weeks produce white hairs too. Yours looks like a female to me.


Active Member
congrats, they look like all ladies to give them time and space, as all women sometimes need ;)


Active Member
thanks so much for all your help. I know people say you can usually tell the sex during the veg stage. But now I can't get a straight answer from anyone and I've heard more of..."Can't tell yet.." than anything. We're just a little confused with the whole matter but I'm gonna think positive and pray for a plant with a pussy :hump: because pussy keeps me going day to day! yay pussy! lol Thanks everyone


Well-Known Member
Well my friend just added a 650 RED led stop light to his closet for the baby. Was wondering if this is a male or female..? He's concerned because it didn't show much near the stalk of the plant but every picture we looked at showed the gender towards the connection of the branches to the stalk. Thanks


Active Member
Well I was pretty sure it was a female but with everyone giving different answers it kind of had me wondering. I'm not sure how long it's been flowering but the white hairs started about 3 days after the LEDs were installed. Pretty shitty plant and it's his first attempt as far as I know but everything smells delicious :D Thanks for the replies!


Well-Known Member
The white hairs tell you that it is a female but, males after a few weeks produce white hairs too. Yours looks like a female to me.
The males do not ever display white hairs! Read up on the grow faq top left before giving out any more bunk information!


Well-Known Member
white hairs isn't all she wrote ganja... hermies show the same trait... two white hairs at the nodes. then about 7 to 10 days into 12/12 flowering cycle you start to see little sacs starting to form below the bud sites.

:joint: you seem kinda hostile :joint::hump:

There is no question that plant is female, a pistil with white hairs means female period!


Well-Known Member
The males do not ever display white hairs! Read up on the grow faq top left before giving out any more bunk information!
REALLY? I do not see a clear picture of a pistil. Besides, did you ever hear the word hermie? Nothing is gained or lost by waiting 5 more days and getting a clear veiw of the plant. Now I say to you;
Read up on the grow faq top left before giving out any more bunk information!